Spiritual Life At NDA
Retreat Information
Freshmen Retreat: This retreat takes place in October and is focused on Encountering Christ. The day of reflection includes small groups, witness talks, Lectio Divina, and mass.
Sophomore Retreat: This retreat takes place in February and is led by a group of seniors who spend the first quarter planning and preparing for the retreat. The retreat focuses on Connecting with Mary by exploring her attributes such as: joy, faithfulness, service and trust. The day includes a service project, games, reflection time, and prayer with the Sisters of Notre Dame.
Junior Retreat: This year our juniors selected one of 3 retreats to attend. Each retreat had a different theme that draws them into reflection. Retreat #1 is a pilgrimage retreat to various local churches to explore the beauty and spirituality of those places of worship. Retreat #2 is an Advent Retreat that helps students to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas. Retreat #3 is a Lenten Retreat that explores different Lenten practices and traditions.
Senior Retreats: Seniors take part in one of 3 retreats that take place at the Jesuit Spiritual Center in Milford,
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