Spiritual Life At NDA
Service Requirement
Service remains a very integral part of our curriculum. Service Requirements are explained to the different grade levels during their religion classes in the first few weeks of school.
We will continue to use MobileServe as our service tracking platform. Any service work completed at or for a non-profit should be logged into MobileServe.
2024 - 2025 Service Requirements
As followers of Christ, we are called to uphold the dignity and worth of all humans through acts of compassion and selflessness. We are called to do this through acts of service where we step out of our comfort zones and into the lives of others, even if just for a brief moment. Service is something outside of our normal everyday routines and involves effort that is more than just kindness to those whom we already help in our family and friend groups.
NDA students are asked to take part in Direct Service, which is: on-site service benefiting the community (non-profit organizations, schools, parishes, or civic centers) without compensation, involving direct interactions with the people or agency being served during non-school hours. All hours must be logged onto MobileServe and verified by the agency by the date they are due in order to receive credit.
We are called to be active members in our school and parish communities which means there are certain things that are expected of us as members of those communities.
Therefore the following are examples of activities that do not count for service work:
helping family or friends (yard work, cleaning etc)
Babysitting (unless it is through an organization/parish etc)
Liturgical ministries connected to the Sunday Obligation (server, lector, Eucharistic Minister, choir)
Any work for a for-profit organization and/or work you are paid to complete
Anything that is an expectation or requirement of belonging to a team, club or other activity. Being a sports team manager/theater crew member at NDA does not count as service.
Indirect Service: making blankets, collections, writing cards, making desserts etc.
Gold Hours: Acts of direct service benefiting the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized in society through non-profit organizations. Click here for a list of approved agencies in the Gold category.
Examples: BeConcerned, Mary Rose Mission, Urban Education Centers, Mission Trips, Special Olympics, EasterSeals Redwood, St. Charles Community, GoPantry, Hospitals, etc.
Blue Hours: Acts of direct service benefiting a parish or school community. Click here for a list of approved agencies in the Blue category.
Examples: Open House, Parish Festivals, Vacation Bible School, CCD or Teacher Aide, concessions at grade school leagues, coaching youth sports teams, libraries, animal shelters, recycling hubs, etc.
Additional Guideline
helping family or friends (yard work, cleaning etc)
Babysitting (unless it is through an organization/parish etc)
Liturgical ministries connected to the Sunday Obligation (server, lector, Eucharistic Minister, choir)
Any work for a for-profit organization and/or work you are paid to complete
Anything that is an expectation or requirement of belonging to a team, club or other activity. Being a sports team manager/theater crew member at NDA does not count as service.
Indirect Service: making blankets, collections, writing cards, making desserts etc.
Examples: BeConcerned, Mary Rose Mission, Urban Education Centers, Mission Trips, Special Olympics, EasterSeals Redwood, St. Charles Community, GoPantry, Hospitals, etc.
Examples: Open House, Parish Festivals, Vacation Bible School, CCD or Teacher Aide, concessions at grade school leagues, coaching youth sports teams, libraries, animal shelters, recycling hubs, etc.
1. Each Grade level has a specific requirement attached to their religion class for service each year. (See descriptions below) . These hours CANNOT count towards any Honor Society Goals.
2. All Service work must be completed at a Non-Profit Agency/organization unless prior approval is given by the Service Coordinator or Honor Society Moderator.
3. All hours must be logged onto MobileServe beginning June 1, 2024.
4. All hours must be verified in MobileServe by the date they are due in order to receive credit for those hours. If they are NOT verified – they will not be accepted.
5. All students must have either a signature from an authorized adult at the agency or verification via email from an authorized adult at the agency .
6. Students are responsible for making sure hours are verified.
7. Students are responsible for making sure that it is applied to the correct goal(s) on MobileServe. It can be applied to multiple Honor Society Hours (when it meets both honor society’s criteria).
8. Students are responsible for making sure that hours are completed in approved areas and by required dates as specified by each society (i.e. Rho Kappa hours can only be at civic and social studies related service opportunities, Mu Alpha Theta hours can only be for Math related opportunities, Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica hours must be through the agencies we specifically serve, which will be presented at meetings).
9. Students are responsible for enrolling in the Honor Societies for which they are members so that the goal will show up when entering service work.
10. Students are encouraged to log any and all service work which they complete (whether for a specific goal or not). There are service awards given each year and at the end of the Senior year. In order to apply for NHS you must have 30 hours of service logged and verified and submitted with the application.
Service Requirement By Class
Freshman Religion Service Requirement
Freshmen are required to complete 10 hours of service, of which at least 5 must be in the Gold category, by March 31, 2025. All service must meet the above criteria. Summer service is accepted, but not required.
Sophomore Religion Service Requirement (Expand)
All Sophomores are required to complete 20 hours of service where at least 10 hours are in the Gold category. These hours are due on March 31, 2025 and should follow all of the above service guidelines. Service work can be completed beginning June 1, 2024. (Summer service is NOT required)
Junior Religion Service Requirement (Expand)
All Juniors take part in a weekly CST/Service Program during religion classes/study hall. They will be placed at an agency where they will go weekly during school beginning in January and ending in May.
Senior Religion Service Requirement (Expand)
All Seniors are required to complete 10 hours of service where at least 5 are in the Gold Category. These hours are due at the end of the 3rd quarter. Seniors can complete 10 hours of service over the summer – but it is not required.
All Seniors are also required to have a Senior Service Interview with Mrs. Price once they have completed their service work.
Service Requirements By Club or Organization
National Honor Society Requirements
- 25 verified hours for second year members by 5/1/25
- 25 verified hours for first year members by 5/1/25
- Second year members may only count 5 hours of service from the summer (beginning June 1, 2024)
- First year members may only count hours from the date of their induction forward.
- All NDA service guidelines apply to NHS
Rho Kappa Requirements (Expand)
- 8 verified hours of service to be completed between June 1, 2024 and May 1, 2025.
- The service must be conducted at/for agencies that are sponsored by either federal, state or local government affiliates, or in public institutions.
- All NDA service guidelines apply to Rho Kappa
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica Requirements (Expand)
- Sophomore members must log 2 hours and Junior and senior members must log 4 verified hours by May 1, 2024.
- Service hours must be completed with the Spanish Speaking Community. Opportunities are organized by the moderator of the SHH.
- 1st year members may only count hours from the date of their induction forward.
- All NDA service guidelines apply to SHH.
Mu Alpha Theta (Expand)
- 4 verified hours to be completed by May 1, 2025.
- 1st year members may only count hours from the date of their induction forward
- Service hours must be Math-related.
- All NDA Service guidelines apply to Mu Alpha Theta
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