
2023-24 Discount Card Fundraiser - All Athletes

Student athletes have 2 options from which to choose to fulfill the Discount Card fundraiser requirement including the option not to sell Discount Cards but pay the amount raised from each book sale.

Select an option for each child participating in Athletics by September 1, 2024. 

If NO option is selected, or a student chooses to participate in athletics after this date, the student will owe the “Sell No Discount Cards” cost. 

*If you are unsure whether your daughter plans to participate in athletics,  you may want to select the “Sell No Cards” options so that discount cards are not produced for you and you are not held financially responsible for those printed discount cards. 

*As a reminder, the Discount Card  Fundraiser requirement is separate from the athletic participation fee requirement. Every athlete has a Participation Fee ($275/$140 sibling rate/$85 second sport)  and also MUST participate in the Fundraiser

Discount Card Spreadsheet and Upload

Please use the below tally spreadsheet to track your coupon book payments. Use the spreadsheet upload to submit your completed spreadsheet to the athletic department for review. You can only submit an excel or sheets, you cannot submit a screen shot image or anything from notability. When you upload your completed tally spreadsheet, please turn all money into the front office in an envelope with the student’s name, homeroom and labeled coupon books on it.