
The Annual Catholic Schools Week volleyball game is Tomorrow at 6:30 here at NDA. The cost is $5, and all proceeds go towards the Emergency Cold Shelter.  The theme is neon! 


Don’t forget to bring in your coins! 

Bring in your pennies and dollars to add to your family’s total, and bring silver to pick a family to subtract from. There are collection bins in the foyer each morning. 

 The winning family will earn an out of uniform day, and family points will be awarded for first, second, and third places. ______________________________

Father/Daughter Fun Night is THIS  Friday Feb. 2nd here at NDA.

The registration form is in this week’s Panda Press and it is due Tomorrow –  Jan 31st. 

Don’t miss out on this fun event!


Seniors – Don’t forget to work on your Father/Daughter Posters! They are due to the office by THIS Thursday. 


If you haven’t received your report card, please stop by the office. 


Pandas please vote for  Ava Boertlein as Archer of the week  and  Liv Wallace as Swimmer of the week in the Cincinnati Enquirer Athlete of the Week poll.


Drug Free rewards just keep on coming! These club members have a nice good bag waiting for you in the Quad:

SR – Meghan Schwartz

JR – Mikayla Schornack

SO – Ryan Scheiner

FR – Sydney Stiegelmeyer

Congratulations, Pandas! We are proud of you!! Keep making good choices!