
Tomorrow is the last day to bring in your loose change for the Penny War. The Collection bins will be in the front foyer. 

And don’t forget that the winning family will earn an out of uniform day, and family points will be awarded for first, second, and third places.


Family Spirit wear is available to order until this Sunday Feb. 4th.  Go to this week’s panda press for the link. 


Seniors -We need your Father/Daughter Posters! They are due to the office by tomorrow morning.


Happy Holidays to the Drug Free Club Members who have goody bags in the quad today!

SR – Annabelle Pohlman

JR – Karla Pope

SO – Peyton Quinn

FR – Maddie Rawe

Congratulations, Drug Free club Members! We are proud of you! Keep making good choices!


Pandaversity has a meeting today after school in Rm 112. Our meetings are open to anyone who wants to join us! We have good discussions and are making preparations to celebrate Black History Month. It’d be great to see you there!