Help Support NDA
Planned Giving
While so many people generously invest in our students during their lives, a planned gift to Notre Dame Academy helps secure quality Catholic education for future Pandas. Leaving a financial gift to NDA will ensure an investment beyond life.
The Notre Dame Academy Forever NDA was established to recognize individuals who have included NDA in their estate plans. Ensuring that the Academy receives a gift is a wonderful way to leave a legacy, and is as simple as a discussion with the donor’s counsel as to the most effective way to participate in a planned giving program. As a member of the Forever NDA you can be assured that your gift will help secure quality education for future generations of NDA students.
For more information about including Notre Dame Academy in your estate plan or how to set up one of the planned giving avenues outlined above, please contact the Advancement Office at 859.292.7729.
Notre Dame Academy EIN/Tax Number: 26-0710957
Mailing Address: Notre Dame Academy | 1699 Hilton Drive Park Hills, KY 41011
Listed below are the following ways a donor can join the Forever NDA by making a gift to Notre Dame Academy.
A designated gift to Notre Dame Academy in the donor’s will. These gifts can be an unrestricted donation or go towards a specific fund or need within our school.
Retirement Plan
A donor designates Notre Dame Academy as the beneficiary of his or her IRA or other retirement plan. Distributions from retirement plans upon the account holder’s death means that 100% of the plan balance will benefit Notre Dame Academy and escapes federal and state income and death taxes.
Life Insurance
Designating Notre Dame Academy as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy is a wonderful way to ensure that NDA receives a share of the donor’s estate. Policies can be transferred to NDA or established by naming NDA as the recipient of the funds.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A donor transfers cash, securities or real estate into a trust and a fixed or variable income is paid to both the donor and/or other beneficiaries for life or a specific term. This type of planned gift appeals to those who wish to both invest in Notre Dame Academy and continue to receive income from investment of the assets of the gift. The trust is tax exempt so it can sell assets with untaxed capital gain without payment of income tax.
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