Mission Values
The mission, vision and values of Notre Dame Academy are derived from the Educational Vision and Principles of the Sisters of Notre Dame (SND). That vision states;
Impelled by Jesus Christ and his mission and our rich educational heritage, we provide a Catholic-Christian environment of educational excellence for the transformation of individuals and society. We form persons who are skilled and committed to journey together in hope as witnesses and catalysts for the responsible care of all God’s creation and for justice and peace, especially for those in the margins of society.
The four SND Educational Principles are;
1. The Centrality of a Good and Provident God
2. The Human Dignity of Each Person as an Image of God
3. The Notre Dame Educator as a Gospel Witness
4. An Integrated Education for Transformation
These principles are central to fulfilling our mission at NDA. Furthermore, our expectations of students, faculty and staff are based on these principles. Our current Strategic Plan affirms the SND Educational Philosophy and Principles in setting the vision for our school and establishing our core values in meeting that vision.
Additional information about the SND philosophy and the corresponding educational principles can be found at the website for the SND National Education Office using the button below.

Our Mission
Notre Dame Academy, a Catholic high school dedicated to Mary and committed to academic excellence, exists to educate young women to make a difference in the world.

What we see
Our Vision
Transformative women leaders embracing God’s goodness in the world.

Steady the course
Our Values
We believe in:
- The centrality of God in Catholic education
- Academic excellence for life long learners
- A holistic education including creativity, critical thinking and problem solving skills
- An inclusive atmosphere which respects the dignity of every individual and builds unity
- Equal participation for women in our society
- The unique positive influence women must have in society
- The benefits of single-gender secondary education
- A strong commitment to service and leadership in learning and life
- Global understanding as a key component of a well rounded education
- Learning from the authentic experience of others
- Building a just and peaceful community
- The use of effective technology to support best practice in instruction

Strategic Plan
Building Leaders Through Transformative Education
1. Ensure ongoing commitment and integrity of SND tradition, mission and educational principles.
- Ensure and communicate that the NDA experience is defined by SND heritage and spirituality
- Create Succession plan that identifies and prepares emerging leaders committed to the SND charism and heritage
- Ensure an effective transition to SND/USA and the new sponsorship model
2. Attract, support and retain a diverse and inclusive student body, faculty, staff and board.
- Initiate implementation of recommendations of the ad hoc Diversity Committee to increase student, faculty, staff and board diversity
- Develop recruitment plan to recruit and retain highly qualified Faculty and Staff through strategic evaluation and competitive compensation plan: increase parity to public schools by 10%
- Enhance curriculum offering to include global awareness and engagement
3. Create new and innovative opportunities for student learning that support the needs of young women in the 21st century.
- Ensure that NDA provides sustainable programs and services to support and meet the spiritual, personal, emotional and physical wellness for students
- Provide co-curricular opportunities that support effective skills in leadership, communication, collaboration and healthy relationships
- Offer academic programs that embrace innovation and best practice to prepare all students for post-secondary success and lifelong learning
4. Implement a resource acquisition and management plan to ensure long-term fiscal sustainability.
- Develop a resource model that ensures program and facility development and sustainability
- Maximize resource opportunities though an effective tuition model and meaningful philanthropic engagement with supporters
- Implement resource model that supports program and facility development and long term maintenance
5. Build and enhance dynamic community presence and awareness.
- Increase community engagements to advance the school’s mission through effective relationship building.
- Engage a marketing and advancement strategies that maximize enrollment and stakeholder engagement and support.
- Build NDA brand embracing SND sponsorship and ongoing innovation and best practice