NDA Academics
Academic Support For Our Students
NDA is committed to assisting students that struggle at times in various areas of their high school experience. We seek to reduce barriers to learning and help the unique needs of each student.
Students with Diagnosed Learning Issues
NDA recognizes that many students have diagnosed learning or health-related issues which impair their learning. NDA works with students and parents to develop an Education Plan to identify necessary accommodations. Accommodations may include: extended time for tests/quizzes, testing outside of the classroom, or having tests read aloud. In order for students to receive extended time on Standardized Tests (ACT/SAT), it is important for an Education Plan to be in place with NDA.
If a student has been diagnosed with a learning issue or a health-related issue which impairs learning, please contact Mrs. Chrissy Monohan, Academic Counselor, at monohanc@ndapandas.org.
Academic Support Staff:
NDA has one full-time Director of Academic Support Services who works closely with the Counseling staff to assist students. There are several Academic Enhancement Program courses offered at NDA which teach strategies to assist students in becoming more adept learners. Other Academic Support Services include NDA’s Bridge Program and Mentor Lab. Please continue reading for more information about each of these Academic Support Services.
NDA Academics
Academic Support Services Offered at NDA
Academic Enhancement Courses
This course is offered to entering freshmen who have been selected to postpone their study of a foreign language in order to establish the skills needed to succeed in a college prep curriculum. Students earn 1.0 credit for taking this course and the course focuses on skills applicable to all academic curricular areas. A strong emphasis is placed on learning styles, applying critical reading strategies, and problem-solving skills.
This course is designed for students who may need extra help to have a successful school year. Students earn 1.0 credit for taking this course. Topics of the course include: time management, test-taking preparation and strategies, study techniques, critical thinking in literature, vocabulary expansion, grammar review, reading comprehension, and mathematical problem-solving skills. Enrollment in this course will result in the postponement of a first year of a language or a fine arts credit for sophomores. Some students may be required to take this course upon recommendation of the Counseling and Student Services department.
scheduled in conjunction with the Catholic Social Teaching class. Topics of the course include: time management, test-taking preparation and strategies, study techniques, critical thinking in literature, vocabulary expansion, and reading comprehension. Some students may be required to take this course upon recommendation of the Counseling and Student Services department.
Seniors earn 1/2 credit for this course that will be held Tuesday and Thursday all year. The course seeks to support seniors with all academic areas with an emphasis on the research writing process.
Academic Support
The Bridge Program (for Incoming Freshman)
Notre Dame hosts a summer Bridges Program for Incoming Freshman. The goal of this program is to provide students a bridge from middle school to high school. It strengthens skills in the area of Math, English and Study Skills. Besides the academic assistance, The Bridge Program is a great opportunity for students to get an early start on making new friends and finding their way around NDA.
This program generally takes place the week before school starts. There is a fee to attend this program, but Scholarships are available to those who need them. For more information about The Bridge Program, contact Chrissy Monohan at monohanc@ndapandas.org.
Academic Support
Mentor Lab
NDA has a Mentor Lab throughout the entire school year in the Collaborative Learning Center. All students are welcome to attend. Peer Mentors and Faculty members will be available to assist students. The Mentor Lab is ran by Mrs. Monohan and Ms. Ericson. For more information, contact Mrs. Monohan at monohanc@ndapandas.org.
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