Dual-Credit Coursework at Notre Dame:
NDA has select courses that can be taken for Dual-Credit with local colleges/universities. We currently partner with Thomas More University for Dual-Credit. *All courses are taken at NDA and taught by NDA Faculty.
If you have questions about Dual-Credit, please contact Ms. Burgei at burgeik@ndapandas.org
Kentucky Dual-Credit Scholarship:
- The KY Dual Credit Scholarship provides assistance for Kentucky juniors and seniors who are taking dual credit classes at a participating Kentucky college or university. Eligible students may receive up to 2 scholarships.
- NDA Counselors will provide information about the Scholarship Program to students in Dual-Credit courses.
Local Opportunities for College Credit / Dual-Credit:
List of opportunities for High School students to earn College Credit / Dual-Credit from local colleges:
Online Coursework at Notre Dame:
Online courses can be taken through NDA using APEX Learning.
- Online courses can be completed for Credit Recovery.
- Upon approval, students can take Online courses for credit.
For more information about APEX Online Coursework, contact Mrs. Monohan at monohanc@ndapandas.org or Mrs. Stanley at stanleye@ndapandas.org.
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