Standardized Tests
Test Preparation
NDA works hard to prepare students to take the necessary standardized tests in order for our students to pursue college or the world of work.
ACT/SAT Test Prep
Free Practice ACT Books
The Counselors Office has free Practice ACT booklets. Stop by and pick up a free ACT Practice test booklet. There is 1 Practice ACT inside each…and answers are in the back.
Local Test Prep
Online Test Prep:
PSAT – Free Online Test Prep
(NDA Sophomores & Juniors take the PSAT each October)
Request a Copy of Your ACT Test Questions and Answers
(this is another way to Prep for the ACT…see more information below)
If you order and pay for a Test Information Release (TIR) during the registration process and test at a national test center on a national test date that offers this service, you will receive a copy of the multiple-choice test questions used to determine your score, a list of your answers, and the answer key.
ACT/SAT Test Dates and Registration
The ACT is offered to all juniors during the school day each Spring. NDA is also a Test Center for four National ACT Dates. NDA is committed to be a host for this important test as we feel it helps our students to have a familiar environment to test in. NDA is a host for these national test dates: September, October, December & June of each year. For the other National Test Dates, there are multiple local schools that are Test Sites for NDA students to choose from.
ACT Fee Waivers – Fee Waivers are available for families who qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch program or who are experiencing Financial Hardship. Please contact Mrs. Monohan @ monohanc@ndapandas.org or Ms. Burgei at burgeik@ndapandas.org to inquire about Fee Waivers for ACT Testing.
The SAT is not offered during the school or at NDA, but there are several schools/colleges nearby that are SAT Testing Sites. Almost all colleges/universities will accept either the SAT or ACT score for admission and/or scholarships. Some schools may require a student to take a SAT subject test (i.e. Literature or Mathematics) in order to be admitted. These are offered generally the same day as the SAT.
SAT Fee Waivers – Fee Waivers are available for families who qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch program or who are experiencing Financial Hardship. Please contact Mrs. Monohan @ monohanc@ndapandas.org or Ms. Burgei at burgeik@ndapandas.org to inquire about Fee Waivers for the SAT.
PSAT Test Information
PSAT Testing:
Administered by Notre Dame in the Fall to Sophomores and Juniors.
The Preliminary SAT (PSAT) / National Merit State Qualifying Test (NMSQT) is a standardized test that allows students to be able to practice for the SAT test. It is put forth by the College board which also supports Advanced Placement Testing and the SAT. In the junior year a student also takes the test in order to be a possible National Merit Finalist (http://www.nationalmerit.org/). The results of the tests are reviewed with students and parents at a meeting during 2nd Semester.
The PSAT measures:
- Critical reading skills
- Math problem solving skills
- Writing skills
The College Board also provides an online format to review student results and prepare a plan to achieving higher scores on the SAT. This site also has an extensive college and major search feature: (http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/psat/about.html)
For more information about PSAT Testing at Notre Dame, contact Chrissy Monohan at monohanc@ndapandas.org.
National Merit:
Based on the results of the Junior PSAT, students with a qualifying score are named National Merit Semi-Finalists in Early-September of Senior year. Notre Dame assists all Semi-Finalists with the Application Process required to compete for becoming a National Merit Finalist. Students who become National Merit Finalists have some fantastic scholarship opportunities.
National Merit
List of Colleges & National Merit Scholarships Offered:
Great Resource! *Read carefully as some colleges only offer full-rides to ‘In-State’ students.
National Merit
College Sponsors List:
National Merit publishes this list each year. NOTE: Scroll down to 2nd page of PDF to see the list of colleges expected to offer National Merit Scholarships.
Standardized Tests at NDA
Fall: PSAT (Practice SAT Test)
Fall: PSAT/NMSQT (Practice SAT & National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test)
Spring: Official ACT Test during a school day.
- This test will not include the Plus-Writing.
- This is an Official Test and students can send their scores from this test to colleges/military/etc.
- Students will register for this special ACT Test during school with NDA’s Academic Counselors.
AP (Advanced Placement) Testing:
- Advanced Placement (AP) tests are held each Spring at NDA.
- Students can register to take an AP Exam for a Subject even if they have not taken the AP Course for that Subject. This is often called “Self-Studying”.
- For more information on AP Exams or “Self-Studying”, contact our AP Coordinator, Kelly Burgei, at burgeik@ndapandas.org.
- For AP Students! How to Send AP Scores to Colleges
Accommodations for Standardized Testing:
- Students that may qualify for accommodations on these tests must see her Counselor to have her assist in the application process. Accommodations have been granted for many reasons such as a diagnosed and recently confirmed learning impairment such as ADHD, or health related issue such as diabetes.
- The ACT and CollegeBoard (SAT/PSAT/AP) have strict guidelines and requirements for accommodations on these standardized tests. Please see the websites of each Testing Agency for more information on disability resources and accommodations.
- For information and assistance with testing accommodations, contact Chrissy Monohan at monohanc@ndapandas.org.
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