Lunch 3
Admissions & AId

Tuition Rates for 2024-2025

There are two rates of tuition: the diocesan rate for Catholics registered in a parish in the Diocese of Covington and the non-diocesan rate for those who are not Catholic or who are Catholics from outside the Diocese of Covington.

Tuition rates for the 2024- 2025 school year are listed below.

First Daughter
Tuition                 $10,410
Annual Fees        $890
Technology Fee  $300   

Second Daughter
Tuition                 $9,370
Annual Fees        $890
Technology Fee  $300

Third Daughter
    Please contact the Finance Department at 859.292.1844

First Daughter
Tuition                $11,420
Annual Fees       $890
Technology Fee $300

Second Daughter
Tuition                 $10,380
Annual Fees        $890
Technology Fee  $300

Third Daughter
Please contact the Finance Department at 859.292.1844

If you have any questions regarding the above information, please feel free to contact the NDA Finance Department at 859.292.1844. 
Jack VonHandorf

Tuition Payment Information 2024-25 School Year

Click FACTS Icon to log in after you have created an NDA account. Click this link if you have not set up an account.

Multi-daughter Tuition Discount

Please contact the Finance Department at 859-292-1844.

Sibling Tuition Discount

A sibling tuition policy provides a $500 tuition discount at both Covington Catholic High School and NDA if siblings are attending these schools at the same time. In the event that a third son or daughter is involved, both schools will provide a $1500 discount.

Sibling Tuition Discount

NDACCH Sibling Credit Form
This form must be completed and submitted to the school office by April 15, 2025, to be applied for the 2025-2026 school year.
This credit form must be submitted each year if the credit applies. The credits are not carried over from one year to another.