Admissions & AId
Tuition Rates for 2024-2025
There are two rates of tuition: the diocesan rate for Catholics registered in a parish in the Diocese of Covington and the non-diocesan rate for those who are not Catholic or who are Catholics from outside the Diocese of Covington.
Tuition rates for the 2024- 2025 school year are listed below.
Diocesan Rate for Catholics Registered in a Parish within the Diocese
First Daughter
Tuition $10,410
Annual Fees $890
Technology Fee $300
Second Daughter
Tuition $9,370
Annual Fees $890
Technology Fee $300
Third Daughter
Please contact the Finance Department at 859.292.1844
Non-Diocesan Rate for those who are not Catholic or are Catholic outside the Diocese (Expand)
First Daughter
Tuition $11,420
Annual Fees $890
Technology Fee $300
Second Daughter
Tuition $10,380
Annual Fees $890
Technology Fee $300
Third Daughter
Please contact the Finance Department at 859.292.1844
Jack VonHandorf
Tuition Payment Information 2024-25 School Year
Click FACTS Icon to log in after you have created an NDA account. Click this link if you have not set up an account.
Multi-daughter Tuition Discount
Please contact the Finance Department at 859-292-1844.
Sibling Tuition Discount
A sibling tuition policy provides a $500 tuition discount at both Covington Catholic High School and NDA if siblings are attending these schools at the same time. In the event that a third son or daughter is involved, both schools will provide a $1500 discount.
Sibling Tuition Discount
NDACCH Sibling Credit Form
This form must be completed and submitted to the school office by April 15, 2025, to be applied for the 2025-2026 school year.
This credit form must be submitted each year if the credit applies. The credits are not carried over from one year to another.