
Today is the last day of Faculty/Staff Appreciation week, but 

We want to thank them for all their hard work and for making NDA so special.  


Come see the Spring Showcase on Thursday, May 16 in the theatre at 6pm. This showcase features the pandatones, dance pandas, and theatre classes. Come support your fine arts pandas! 


Pandaversity has posted a World Map in the 1st floor hallway to celebrate the variety of family origins in our community. Small Panda stickers are in a bag taped to the wall near the map.  Everyone is invited to place a sticker next to the country on the lists to show us where you and your family originally come from.


It’s a Happy Friday with Drug Free Club! We are proud of all our members who make good choices! The following members can pick up their $25 Panera Gift Card in the Quad after announcements:

SR – Nina Roedig

JR -Nadin Asad

SO – Jacie Hail

FR – Alex Burg

Keep making good choices