

Happy Birthday Mrs. Timmerding!!


Fr. Kunath will be available for confessions during PPT in the chapel. 

On Thursday, we will hold a dress down day to support Sacred Hearts School and Community in Maui.  Their school was completely destroyed in the recent wildfires.  Let us join together in offering hope and support to this community as they begin to rebuild.  The cost of the dress down is $3.00. 


Please remember to submit your Club Orientation Videos to Ms. Hilbert by this afternoon at 5:00pm.  If your club plans to do a live skit, she will need to know that as soon as possible so that she can finalize the line up for Club Orientation.

If your activity has not submitted your slide for the slideshow yet, please get that in by tomorrow as well.


Remember that the gym floor will be off limits 

this week, due to  the floors being redone. 

The hook room will not be open. Please put your backpacks on the stage in the auditorium.


Are you in Drug Free Club? You can easily sign up online or by completing a paper application, both available in the Quad. ___________________________________________________

Juniors – would you like to learn more about the Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program? You are eligible to apply this year! Come to the GSP Information session tomorrow after school in Alumnae Hall to hear from our students who attended the program last summer, and learn about the application process! contact Mrs. Hildreth with any questions.


Happy Hope day! Hope Day is put on by the members of the HopeSquad. Our goal is to encourage mental health wellness, and to bring hope to all of you! As you all know today is Hope Day. We will have Hope Day once a month, which is a day to just spread a little extra hope and joy! We wanted to let you know that today at PPT we are going to be outside in the Marian Circle with chalk and music. Stop by and write a positive message! We would love to see you!