Our theme for the School Year is: Living the Gospel with a Spirit of Compassion, Hope and Joy! The Scripture that was chosen to go with it is: “Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18. This is all based on the 3rd educational principle: The Educator as Gospel Witness. We will also be using the catch phrase “Mind the Gap”. This is meant to be a way for us to think about the ways we can help others – when we see a gap where someone (including ourselves) needs something – how do we help them? How do we recognize that there is a need and either help fill/bridge the gap or support them as they find a way out of the gap on their own (if our help is not needed or feasible). This phrase was used by one of our Women Making a Difference Honorees this past June. She talked about how NDA taught her to recognize the gaps in life and do something to fill them.