Happy Birthday to Mr. V whose birthday is tomorrow
Student council grade level co-president applications are due today. You can pick up an application in room 208 or 303. They can be turned into the front office or to room 208 or 303 by the end of the school day today.
Orange and White shirt order forms are due next Wednesday – March 26 at 3pm. You can purchase your ticket and t-shirt through the link sent by email from Maya or your class co presidents. Show out!
Girls Gone Holy is meeting this coming Tuesday from 7 to 8:30pm. We will start with the stations of the cross outside by the Heights weather depending. Following that we will be doing fun Lenten activities in the auditorium. We will finish with adoration and confession. This is a beautiful way to grow in your faith this lent! Seniors this will be your last chance to attend a girls gone holy seeing as this will be the last one of the year. Everyone is welcome!!
Thank you to everyone who stopped by and talked to the Gateway rep yesterday. Congratulations to Reese Reed for winning the drawing to claim a prize! Stop by the Quad at any time.”
Happy Friday Drug Free Club! Congrats to the following students who have a goody bag waiting for them in the quad: Grace Panko, Rylee Huss, Ashlynn Ruyak, and Samantha Laws. Keep Making Good Choices!
We will NOT be outside today during PPT.