Announcements for Monday, March 24, 2025

Adoration will take place in the chapel today during PPT.  All are welcome to come and spend some time with our Lord. 

Fr. Kunath will be here to celebrate mass tomorrow morning at 7:20am in the chapel.  


The Go Pantry fundraiser was an amazing success! we gathered $1,227 dollars to donate and 98 units of food donations!

Purple won with 39 Units and gets 40 family points

Blue got second with 33 units and gets 30 family points. 

Green gets 3rd with 16 units and 20 family points 

And then pink with 10 units and 10 family points. 

Thanks to everyone for participating and helping feed Kentucky’s children! Go pantry appreciates every donation! – TLC


Orange and White shirt order forms and tickets are due this Wednesday by 3pm. You can purchase your ticket and t-shirt through the link sent by email from Maya or your class co presidents. Show out!


Girls Gone Holy is meeting tomorrow from 7 to 8:30pm. We have some great activities planned. This is a beautiful way to grow in your faith this lent! Seniors this will be your last chance to attend a girls gone holy seeing as this will be the last one of the year. Everyone is welcome!!


Hopefully you saw the email and info in the Padlet about April 11, our Prom Half Day.

The day will conclude with our Prom Fashion Show.  Any student is welcome to participate in the fashion show.  Complete the form linked to the Padlet if you are interested in being a part of it!  Students can also invite alumnae family members to join us for part of the day.  Alumnae can arrive at 9:30 for the second presentation or at 10:40 just for the fashion show.  Seniors who invite Alumnae family members can also invite them to be in the fashion show with them.  Please use the form linked to the Padlet if you would like to invite an alumnae family member.

Juniors and Seniors:  Prom registration will close tomorrow at the end of the day.  Please be sure to see Mr. Strickley or Mrs. Timmerding before the end of the day tomorrow to reserve your seat for Prom.  Be sure you have done the Google form and paid as well.

On Thursday and Friday, we will have adjusted schedules.  All students will dismiss on Thursday at 1:35.  On Friday, Juniors and Seniors will dismiss at around 12:10 and Freshmen and Sophomores will dismiss at 1:55.