This is Vocation Awareness Week. Sr. Ruth Lubbers will be in the Chapel’s reflection area during Panda Primetime today. Stop by if you would like to talk with her or ask any questions.
Thank you to everyone who spoke with our U of L and Alabama reps! Congratulations to Lila Harris and Camila Garcia who won the drawing. Stop by the Quad to claim your prize!”
Will the students who are attending the NaviGo Health Careers Day meet in the lobby to get a quick picture for the PPW? Thanks
A reminder that all seniors on the November retreat should meet in the chapel for the first part of PPT today.
Just a reminder about Panda Prime Time.
The following areas are available for you during PPT:
The auditorium, the cafeteria, the theatre (for quiet working), the gym, and Marian Circle (as long as we have supervision). Alumnae Hall is not an area that can be used for PPT unless you have gotten approval from an administrator to work there.
Unfortunately, you cannot go outside today as we do not have anyone to supervise.
Thank you and please make good use of PPT today!