Announcements for Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tomorrow we will have our Ash Wednesday mass at 9:15.  All students are expected to be here at 9:00 tomorrow, even those with a first period study hall.  Please be sure that you are here for mass; coming in after first period study hall is not an option for tomorrow


Hi guys! Just a reminder that today, TLC is celebrating World Teen Mental Wellness day! Come to the auditorium during PPT to get some hot chocolate and color or meditate. And please enjoy the fidget toys and hot chocolate. Make sure to utilize all the resources NDA has for mental health. Please check to make sure you are not requested by a teacher before coming during PPT! Thanks so much – Teen Leadership Club “


Junior pandas – do not forget that Student Council School officer applications are due this Friday, March 7 at 3 pm.  If you were unable to attend the meeting on Monday, feel free to pick up an application from room 303 or 208.

Seniors attending Father / Daughter:  Please remember to send in a baby picture to Mrs. Timmerding by Wednesday.  This will be used to honor you during Father / Daughter.


On Wednesday, the Sisters of Notre Dame will be using many of our parking spaces for their Day of Recollection.  Students, many of you will be required to park in a different spot for that day.  Please be sure to watch for an email from Mrs. Kirn regarding this change and where you should park.  Also – as we prepared for that day, we noticed that many spots that should be open are being used.  Please be sure to only park in the spot assigned to you.  Thank you.


Please also keep in mind that the quarter ends this Friday, March 7


Last Saturday NDA students competed in and received awards at the 2025 Louisville Regional Science and Engineering Fair at the University of Louisville.  They will all advance to the Kentucky State Science Fair at the end of the month in Richmond, KY.

Michelle Ross  – The Effect of Social Grouping on Problem Solving Ability in Carpenter Ants.          2nd Place – Animal Science

Abby Turnpaugh – The Effect of Weight Loss Supplements on Daphnia Melanogaster Heart Rate and Structure – 1st Place – Translational Medical Science

Anna Blair – The Recycled Construction and Sustainability Implications of a Van De Graaff Generator – 2nd Place – Energy: Sustainable Materials and Design

FirstBuild Scholarship Award, Office of Naval Research-Naval Research Award

Ricoh USA, Inc.-Sustainable Development Award  – Congratulations!”


 Regional Basketball game tickets will be on sale today until 5pm and  tomorrow until 4pm in Mrs. Carl’s office. They are $9 each and you must have exact change.  We are taking cash only.