As we strive to create the safest environment for our Pandas, an adjustment will be made to the end of the day dismissal protocols.
PLEASE NOTE: We will use the following dismissal times temporarily to see if it helps increase the efficiency of our dismissal process. We will make adjustments as needed.
Starting tomorrow, Thursday, October 28:
Seniors will dismiss first at 3:01 p.m.
Juniors will dismiss next at 3:06 p.m.
Sophomores and Freshmen will dismiss together at 3:10 p.m.
Until their grade level is dismissed, students will remain in their 7th period classrooms with their teachers. Recognizing that 5 minutes for each grade level may not be needed for the Seniors and Juniors to exit the parking lot, administration will make adjustments as needed over the next two weeks until the safest and most efficient dismissal is identified. We thank you in advance for you cooperation!
Parents/guardians who pick up their daughters at the end of the day must park in a parking spot or wait in line in the driveway. Cars waiting to pick up in the aisles or in the fire lanes are not permissible and could negatively impact the dismissal process.