The goal of our Academic program is to educate young women who will use their God given intellectual abilities to make a difference in our world. We believe in an education that combines the timeless wisdom of our Catholic Faith with the necessary skills that our students will need to adapt to a continuously changing world. To that end, we offer a curriculum that will prepare each young woman for the many challenges that she will face in college and life. Our highly qualified teachers demand excellence in the classroom and encourage each student to work to her full potential. With an approach that integrates academics, arts and athletics, we are molding young women to have a vibrant faith and a passion for learning.

Science | Technology | Engineering | Mathematics
Notre Dame Academy has had a long tradition of success in STEM related areas. We realize that to be effective in the 21st century, our students must be able to create, evaluate, and effectively utilize information, media and technology. We believe that in this globally competitive information age, teaching our students the skills to navigate complex work and life environments is critical to their success.
The NDA Difference
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