To ensure the safety and well-being of our students and the children from St. Julie Learning Center, parents and students must understand the parking lot policies and procedures at Notre Dame Academy. Please review our parking lot policies and procedures below:
1. Please be cautious of students walking to and from the parking lot to the school entrance. Students should be crossing at crosswalks.
2. When picking up your daughter after school, please park in an empty numbered spot and advise your daughter to meet you at the car. There is also a row of spots at the front of the parking lot where parents can park in at the end of the day.
3. For safety purposes and as advised by the Park Hills Fire Department, it is important to keep the parking lot aisles and all fire lanes clear. PLEASE DO NOT line up for afternoon pick up in the aisles of the parking lot or in fire lanes. All cars picking up after school MUST be either parked in a spot or lined up on the Hilton Drive hill.
4. The back of our parking lot is shared with the Sisters of Notre Dame and Julie Learning Center. Signs have been installed and the spaces left unnumbered for the parking that is needed for the Sisters that live at St. Joseph Heights, their employees and the spaces needed for parents to pick up their children from Julie Learning Center. There is a shift change that takes place at 3:00 p.m. for the workers at the Heights. The Julie Learning Center has pickup that begins at approximately the same time as our dismissal.
5. Students who drive to school need to purchase a parking permit at a cost of $25.00 for the year. All parked cars must show a parking permit for the current year. Students are to park on the main lot in the student parking area in their designated spot. A car parked on the lot without a permit or in a reserved area will result in a violation. A car parked in a fire lane is subject to police citation and may be towed at the owner’s expense.
6. PLEASE SEE THE PICTURE BELOW to see available parking for afternoon pick-up.

We certainly understand that the parking lot can be a frustration at times. We have worked with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet District 6 to look at solutions. They have added additional time to our light to help with our traffic flow at the end of the day.
Thanks for your help in this matter and for keeping the Notre Dame Academy campus safe for not only our students but for the children from St. Julie Learning Center and people at St. Joseph Heights.