Exploring Engineering at GE Aviation

General Electric Engineering Explorers program is having an informational meeting on Tuesday, September 24th at 7 PM at GE Evendale.  GE Engineering Explorers program has been attended by Pandas who have found the program beneficial and helpful in determining their possible interest in the field of engineering.  Students visit various departments of General Electric either … Read more

NDA GSE Team wins Healthcare Pitch Competition

Congratulations to a team of NDA entrepreneurs who recently won the first annual Healthcare Pitch Competition at Northern Kentucky University. Seniors Briana Seibert, Isabelle Bailey, Phoebe Boyle and Kate Joyce participated as a team at the 2019 Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs this summer. At the 3-week residential program, their team developed a business plan for an … Read more

JET College Fair is Coming to NDA

JET College Fair is coming to NDA on Tuesday, September 10, from 3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. in Alumnae Hall.  Ten Jesuit colleges and universities will be at NDA to hold a mini-college fair.  This will take place after school and all grades are welcome. Come to the JET College Fair and learn more about … Read more

A.L.I.C.E. Training

This past Monday, Freshmen attended a school safety session that focused primarily ALICE which is NDA’s response to an active threat situation. The ALICE program defines response options during active threat situation and mentally prepares our school community to respond in ways that will increase chances of survival.  ALICE is one part of our school’s … Read more

NDA Dress Code

NDA’s dress code is intended to: encourage cleanliness, neatness and pride in one’s appearance; foster respect for the way in which one presents herself to others; create a semi-formal atmosphere needed for a disciplined learning environment; provide a uniform manner of dressing which minimizes social differences that may exist among students.  Notre Dame Academy has a … Read more

NDA Parking Lot Policies and Procedures

To ensure the safety and well-being of our students and the children from St. Julie Learning Center, parents and students must understand the parking lot policies and procedures at Notre Dame Academy. Please review our parking lot policies and procedures below: PARKING LOT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: 1. Please be cautious of students walking to and from … Read more