NDA Students Selected for KY Governor’s Schools Programs

Notre Dame Academy is proud to announce that ten NDA students have been selected for the 2015 Kentucky Governor’s Schools Programs. The Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program (GSP) recently announced that seven Notre Dame Academy students have been named Governor’s Scholars for 2015. Additionally, The Kentucky Center Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA) announced that two … Read more

NDA/CCH Present The Nutcracker by Harper K. Lee

A new, one-act version that will delight children and adults alike, The Nutcracker, follows Clara through a fearsome battle with the Rat King to a land of sugar, spice, and everything nice.  Come enjoy a new twist on a holiday classic that is perfect for the whole family.  Join us in the lobby after the … Read more

The Music and Spirit that Makes the Difference!

Our NDA/CCH student musicians learned new music skills this summer in the Intro to Band and Music Theory classes.  Thirty pandas and colonels attended these summer music offerings.  With the talents developed this summer, the CCH/NDA band sounds like it will be in good standing for the 2014/15 school year! A Note from our student … Read more

NDA and CCH Present…

Notre Dame Academy and Covington Catholic High School proudly present Thoroughly Modern Millie, the weekend of April 4-6.  The spring musical production brings the tale of Millie Dumount, a newcomer to the big city of New York during the Flapper rage of the 1920s.  She has big plans for life, but Jimmy Smith throws her plans … Read more

So Much To Do This Summer At NDA!

Whether you are a budding artist, a musician, a theatre buff, an athlete, or you are just looking for something fun to do this summer, Notre Dame Academy has all sorts of opportunities for you!  SUMMER DAY CAMP NDA Basketball hosts the 2014 – 3rd-6th Grade Day Camp July 14-17 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. The … Read more

Learn A Band Instrument this Summer!

All students in grades 6 – 12 are welcome to join us this summer to learn a band instrument for FREE.  Come join us and be a part of the  CCH/NDA Vacation Band School! No Prior Experience Needed! Rehearse: Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.  For more information contact the NDA/CCH Band Director, Mr. … Read more

NDA / CCH Band Notes:

It is almost spring and the band would like to invite any friend of CCH or NDA to rehearse and perform with the Panda-Colonel Jr. Band. This group will accept any musician grades 6 – 12 to rehearse on Mondays after school from 3:15 – 4:05 p.m. in the Notre Dame Band Room. The Panda-Colonel … Read more