This past week the Spanish Club hosted chef Hector Esteve, owner of Paella at Your Place to share his story, explain how to make paella, and to cook for us! He made a wonderful traditional Spanish dish called paella that had many students asking for seconds! Spanish 2 classes had learned previously in class what … Read more

Math Pandas Make A Difference

Math Club and Mu Alpha Theta celebrated Valentine’s Day during their monthly meeting on Monday. They sent Valentine’s Day cards to the children at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital digitally and then worked together to complete a Valentine’s Day logic puzzle. We will celebrate Pi Day at next month’s meeting. Get excited Math Pandas!  

Congratulations to Mr. Byrd

Congratulations to English Teacher, Mr. Byrd who won a flash fiction challenge that he entered in the fall. As the chapter advisor for NDA’s National English Honor Society, Mr. Byrd is clearly a lifelong learner!  

Making a Difference Through Art

Many of NDA’s talented art students participated in a service project called The Memory Project again this year. The mission of The Memory Project is for Art students to create portraits for youth around the world who have been neglected, orphaned, or disadvantaged. The portraits are sent to the children, who typically have very little … Read more