Stress Relievers

NDA’s Panda Prime Time Enrichment Specialist Julie Geiman shared a few feelings & sensation word lists with us as the girls may find these useful to tap into their feelings during these unique circumstances through conversation or daily journaling. You can find them below.  For those seeking Relaxation & Music Meditation, as music is healing, … Read more

Morning Rosary at NDA

Dear Panda Community!  We know that there is a feeling of anxiety and disconnectedness as we put in place Remote Learning and Social Distancing. Our faith tells us that we are all One Body in Christ and one way to feel that connection (even when we are apart) is through prayer. We would like to … Read more

NDA Receives Best of Fair at Science and Engineering Fair of Northern Kentucky 

Notre Dame Academy science research students had an outstanding performance at the Science and Engineering Fair of Northern Kentucky (SEFNK) on Saturday, February 22. Under the Direction of Mr. Bill Stamm, Notre Dame Academy received top honors as the Best of Fair high school. Additionally, several NDA students received category and special awards with 13 students qualifying to … Read more