Panda Archery News

Last Friday and Saturday the Panda Archers competed in the Mary Queen of Heaven Tournament. The Pandas shot a season high score of 3064 which included  94 tens. The team was led by Ava Boertlein at 282 (3rd Overall Girl), Keira Schneider at 274 (9th Overall Girl), Lucy Siegert at 273 (10th Overall Girl), Lea … Read more

Math Pandas Make A Difference

Math Club and Mu Alpha Theta celebrated Valentine’s Day during their monthly meeting on Monday. They sent Valentine’s Day cards to the children at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital digitally and then worked together to complete a Valentine’s Day logic puzzle. We will celebrate Pi Day at next month’s meeting. Get excited Math Pandas!  

NDA Welcomes Edgar!

NDA is excited to begin a consistent Therapy Animal Program next month when Edgar, a therapy dog, begins volunteering on campus on a regular basis. Research in this field proves that a Therapy Animal Program has many health and wellness benefits including the increase in the release of endorphins, oxytocin, prolactin and dopamine. These hormones … Read more