

The fine arts have had a long history of excellence at NDA. Students have the opportunity to become involved in a variety of per forming arts, including our renowned theatre and drama programs, a dance and pom team, choral club, and our select choral ensemble, concert and marching band. Notre Dame’s commitment to its […]


Panda Press Weekly 04.17.24

[…] Fourth quarter is just around the corner which means graduation is nearing! Mark your calendars for the following dates – β€’ May 6 – 17 – AP Exams (specific schedule to come soon) β€’ May 14 – Academic Signing @ 3:30 p.m. – Gym β€’ May 15 – Senior Pancakes – Theatre Lot (students […]


Panda Press Weekly 03.27.24

[…] Fourth quarter is just around the corner which means graduation is nearing! Mark your calendars for the following dates – β€’ May 6 – 17 – AP Exams (specific schedule to come soon) β€’ May 14 – Academic Signing @ 3:30 p.m. – Gym β€’ May 15 – Senior Pancakes – Theatre Lot (students […]


Junior And Senior Summer Reading 2023 2024

[…] spr ead out thr oug hout the book and should sho w a thoug htful and eng aged r eading of the t e xt . Aim for appr oximat ely 25-30 quality annotations per 100 pages. SO WHA T DO I L OOK F OR A S I ANNO TA TE? IN GENERAL […]


School COVID Requirements 2021 2022 – August Update

[…] clean and sanitize high touch surfaces frequently.  Utilize the CDC’s guidance on cleaning and disinfecting school facilities: -ncov/community/disinfecting – building -facility.html Contact Tracing  Be prepared to cooperate with a contact tracing investigation , if needed, due to a positive COVID -19 case. Additional COVID -19 School Questions Q1. What are the […]


Panda Press Weekly 08.23.23

[…] JV/3:00 V/3:00 GO PANDAS! MARK YOUR CALENDAR Come cheer on your fellow Pandas at all of next week’s athletic events! COUNSELING AND STUDENT SERVICES COLLEGE REP VISITS PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE NDA COLLEGE VISIT SCHEDULE CLICK HERE for a list of college visits specifically for NDA students/ families. The visits are in the hallway […]


Panda Press Weekly 08.23.23

[…] Timmerding and I dedicated time this past week to review expectations with all students. These expectations are essential not only for their academic success but also for preparing them for following guidelines after high school. I encourage you read through the reminders listed below and engage in conversations with your daughter about these important […]


Mental Health Counseling Services

[…] g s e rv ic e s. ● Hours : M onday – F rid ay fr o m 8 :0 0am -4 :3 0pm . ● For e m erg ency a nd a fte r h ours in fo rm atio n, c a ll 2 70-7 45-3 159. Thom as M […]



[…] good guess as to what you will be paying to attend that college. *** Don’t Ask: “How’s your job placement?” This is an increasingly popular and seemingly valid question, but the phraseology is hiding the info you really want. In “Push to Prove Career Success Tests Colleges” from the Wall Street Journal on 3/17/14, […]