
Panda Press Weekly 08.07.24

[…] necessary. Schoolbelles is NDA’s official uniform provider. PANDA-PERFECT Style Standards For the Sisterhood of the Gray Skirts! Accountability is your responsibility. Own your actions and lead by example. Lanyard: Must be worn at all times Polo Shirt: White or light blue banded NDA polo shirt Sweater/Sweatshirt: Navy blue NDA pullover sweater, cardigan, vest, crewneck […]


Notre Damian Fall Winter 2017 Web

[…] the world around her. Amy Wurtengerger Beck & Martha Wurtenberger Barnes Amy Wurtenberger Beck and Martha Wurtenberger Barnes, identical twins from the class of 1978, are true examples of women making a difference. After graduating from Notre Dame Academy, they both chose careers in banking, each working successfully for over thirty-five years, however, their […]


12 11 Gavel

[…] testing, 8th grade placement test December 9: Christmas Band Concert – 3pm December 11-14: Advent Reconciliation Services December 14: PTO Mixer – NDA – 8-11pm December 19,20,21: Exams December 24: Christmas Break begins January 3: Classes resume January 4: Silver Bells Dance 8-11pm November/December 2012 Calendar Favorite Lunch Survey Favorite school activity Favorite mixer […]


Notre Damian Fall Winter 2013

[…] First Place Awards – KY Science & Engineering Fair β€’ KY Stockholm Junior Water Prize Winner β€’ 3 Students placed – International Genius Olympiad β€’ National Spanish Exams Junior Travel Award β€’ State Winner – National Peace Essay Contest Faculty Awards β€’ 2012 NCEA Educational Excellence Award –Sr. Mary Ethel Parrott, SND β€’ 2013 […]


Standardized Testing

[…] school with NDA’s Academic Counselors.Β  AP (Advanced Placement) Testing: Advanced Placement (AP) tests are held each Spring at NDA. Β  Students can register to take an AP Exam for a Subject even if they have not taken the AP Course for that Subject. Β This is often called β€œSelf-Studying”. Β  Β  For more information on […]


Panda Press Weekly 05.17.23

[…] today has been a lot of fun celebrating our seniors, we are still in school and have a few important things to attend to such as final exams. Please note that senior exams will take place May 18, 19 and 22 and exams for f reshmen, sophomores and juniors will take place May 22-24. […]



[…] attended the event with Sister, said of her: “She is far more than an educator and a physicist. Sr. Mary Ethel is a mentor and a shining example of a woman making a difference in our world.” According to the NCEA, this award “honors Catholic secondary school educators who deserve national recognition, reflecting the […]


Panda Press Weekly 09.29.21

[…] our diocesan priests come to concelebrate and hear confessions. On Saturday, participants can ask questions to a select panel of clergy and laity. The panelists come well prepared to explain Church teaching on matters large and small – especially on tough issues of faith and morals – with clarity, charity and wit. PLEASE JOIN […]


Panda Press Weekly 04.19.23

[…] show their creativity during math class! CONGRATULATIONS OPTIME FACTUM, DISCIPULAE! Congratulations to the following students who earned awards for out- standing performance on the 2022-2023 National Latin Exams! All students in the Latin program at NDA take the National Latin Ex – ams exams each year in mid-March, at the exam level corresponding to […]


Panda Press Weekly 05.03.23

Dear Parents, ItҀ™s difficult to believe that it is already May. This month at NDA, we focus on wrapping up another school year, exams and graduation. More im- portantly, as a school dedicated to Mary, we give special attention to our Blessed Mother. This Friday we will honor our patroness at our annual May […]