Announcements for Thursday, September 26, 2024

Effective immediately, all students entering the gym during PPT will be required to put their phone in a box, you will get your phone back at the end of PPT.  If you leave the gym before the bell rings, you will have to come back to get your phone.  __________________________________________________ Bowling Pandas has scheduled  two tryouts dates for the upcoming season.  Wednesday October 2nd and Wednesday October 9th. from 3:30 - 5:30 at Erlanger strike and spares.  All skills are welcomed , if you have any questions or concerns email Coach Hampton ___________________________________________ Congratulations to the Panda golf team who... Continue reading

Announcements for Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024

Reminder - The Spanish Stairs and Auditorium will be closed today afterschool for cleaning  _________________________________________ The Freshmen Halloween Dance will be Friday, October 11 from 8:00-10:30 p.m. in the upper level of The Gardens next to CCH  All Students should wear a costume and there will be fun decorations, costume prizes, food, drinks, and a DJ will be provided throughout the night.  Tickets are only $5 and must be purchased in advance.  Mrs. Monohan will be selling the tickets at lunch this week. __________________________________ The Freshman Soccer team will be dismissed today with the Seniors __________________________________ All Athletes - There... Continue reading

Announcements for Tuesday, September

Happy Birthday Ms. Hilbert!!! Anna Chambers from the University of Louisville will be here during the lunches. Get some information on the school scholarships and find out about their college visits. _____________________________ Any athlete who has not been trained on selling the discount cards please attend the training tomorrow afterschool at 3:15 to 3:45 in room 112  OR on Friday, Sept. 27th same time and same room - Please check your email for instructions and to sign up.  _______________________________________ The Freshmen Halloween Dance will be Friday, October 11 from 8:00-10:30 p.m. in the upper level of The Gardens next to... Continue reading

Announcements for Monday, Sept. 23, 2024

Happy Monday!! Happy Birthday to Mr. Korfhagen! ____________________________________ Reminder to freshman candidates for student council representatives that your speeches and slides are due to Ms. Meese and Ms. Hilbert by 5:00pm today. Please stop by 303 or 310 with any questions. " ________________________________________ The Freshmen Halloween Dance will be Friday, October 11 from 8:00-10:30 p.m. in the upper level of The Gardens next to CCH  All Students should wear a costume and there will be fun decorations, costume prizes, food, drinks, and a DJ will be provided throughout the night.  Tickets are only $5 and must be purchased in advance. ... Continue reading

Announcements for Friday, Sept. 20, 2024

No new announcements   Have a great weekend!! Continue reading

Announcements for Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024

Seniors please bring your Ipads with you to school tomorrow. Only Seniors will be out of uniform tomorrow, please wear pants or sweatpants as you will be doing maneuvers in a self defense class.    The remaining grade levels may wear spirit wear with their uniform skirts.  _________________________________________________ Please avoid parking in the TEACHER PARKING LOT today around 3:40 pm. The Band and Dance Pandas will be using the TEACHER PARKING LOT for rehearsal today. ______________________________________________ Romeo and Juliet tickets are on sale now! Check your email to purchase your $5 student ticket. Shows are Oct 18 through 20th.  _________________________________________________... Continue reading

Announcements for Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024

Happy Wednesday from Drug Free Club - we have some goody bags to hand out today! Congrats to Sophie Desch, Danika Tucker, and Jillian Collins - they can pick up their goody bags in the quad. Remember you can still sign up to be a part of Drug Free Club - stop by the counselor's quad in 108 to get a QR code and join the largest club at NDA! ________________________________________ RETURNING NEHS MEMBERS: PLEASE BE PRESENT FOR THE RETURNING MEMBERS MEETING IN MR HAMM’S ROOM (204)tomorrow morning at 7:30am. IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND PLEASE NOTIFY PRESIDENT EMMA WHITE OR... Continue reading

Announcements for Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024

Here is some important Information -  The Spanish Stairs and Auditorium will be closed today after school. The Spanish Stairs, Auditorium and Cafeteria will be closed tomorrow morning - Please report to the Gym before classes begin in the morning.  There will also not be any breakfast served.  _____________________________________ Fr. Kunath will not be available for confessions during PPT today.  _____________________________________________________ There will be a Drug Free club meeting tomorrow morning in Alumnae Hall for anyone interested in joining or if you are already a member.  ______________________________________________________ If you are interested in helping with the planning of Common reader please... Continue reading

Announcements for Monday, September 16, 2024

Tomorrow is the Feast of St. Hildegard of Bingen - This means that the Purple family can wear a purple top with their uniform skirts.  ___________________________________ Anyone planning to go on the Health Careers Field trip this Thursday, please get your permission slips to Mrs. Monohan via email or print them out and give them to her in her office or through the school office by Tuesday afternoon. An email for this field trip was sent by Mrs. Monohan to all sophomores, juniors and seniors.   ________________________________________ NEHS RETURNING MEMBERS:   PLEASE BE PRESENT FOR THE RETURNING MEMBERS MEETING IN MR... Continue reading

Announcement for Friday, September 13, 2024

Happy Friday the 13th!!! A reminder to the Juniors who will be on the Pilgrimage retreat tomorrow.  Please be in the chapel by 9:00am and be sure to bring your lunch with a drink with you.  Be sure to review the other information that was emailed out on Monday of this week in regards to attire and the schedule.    NATIONAL ENGLISH HONOR SOCIETY EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBERS: DON’T FORGET THE MEETING IN MR HAMM’S ROOM (204) ON MONDAY MORNING AT 7:30 TO PLAN OUT THE GENERAL MEETING ON THURSDAY AFTER SCHOOL FOR NEHS MEMBERS.   The JV Golf team played... Continue reading