Announcements for Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thank you to everyone who spoke with our Dayton rep on Tuesday!  Ella Neinaber’s name was picked as the prize winner! Please stop by the Quad at any time to claim your prize!" _________________________________________________ On Monday, the Soccer Girls played a very athletic and fast team from Fredrick Douglass.  Freshman, Taylor Murphy got her first Varsity goal with a beautiful through ball assist from Sadie Yapp.  Fredrick Douglass also got one in, and the match ended in a 1-1 tie Last night, the Pandas battled against Elizabethtown.  In an exciting match the Pandas lost 2-3. Panda goals scored by Riley... Continue reading

Announcements for Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024

Thank you to all who contributed to the Tunnels to Towers dress down  today.  We collected $142 _________________________________________________ If you are interested in joining our Bowling Team, There will be an informational meeting today afterschool in the cafeteria.  __________________________________________ Benjamin Gallenstein will be here from Transylvania  University tomorrow during lunch. Transy is in Lexington. Stop by and see him outside of the cafeteria to get more information about the school. _________________________________]______________- "Thank you to everyone who spoke with our Dayton rep yesterday! Ella Neinaber name was picked as the prize winner! Please stop by the Quad at any time to... Continue reading

Announcement for Tuesday, September 10, 2024

If you are interested in joining our Bowling Team, There will be an informational meeting tomorrow afterschool in the auditorium.  __________________________________________ Don’t forget there is a dress down day tomorrow benefitting the Tunnels to Towers.  It will be $3 and all proceeds go to this important foundation. Continue reading

Announcements for Monday, September 9, 2024

Tomorrow the University of Dayton will have Lindsey Griffin visit us. Please make her feel welcome and get information about the school. ______________________________________________________ Freshmen, Student council grade level rep applications are due today.  Turn them into the school office. Elections will be held on Monday, September 23.  If you have any questions, contact Ms. Hilbert,  or Ms. Meese Thanks!  __________________________________________ Don’t forget there is a dress down day this Wednesday for Tunnels to Towers.  It will be $3 and all proceeds go to this important foundation. __________________________________________ Saturday, two nationally ranked soccer teams took the field here at NDA.  Your... Continue reading

Announcements for Friday, September 6, 2024

Happy Belated Birthday to Mrs. Timmerding and Happy Birthday today to Mrs. Heidrich!! ________________________________________________ Freshmen, are you interested in becoming a  student council grade level representative? Then please be sure to turn in your applications this  Monday, September 9, at 3 pm.  Applications can be picked up in room 303.  Elections will be held on Monday, September 23. Information about speeches and campaigning will come after applications are due.  If you have any questions, contact Ms. Hilbert,  or Ms. Meese Thanks!  __________________________________________ The Core Leadership Team and your GAA Co-Presidents would like to invite you to  the first ever Panda... Continue reading

Announcements for Thursday September 5, 2024

Please avoid parking in the TEACHER PARKING LOT today around 3:40 pm. The Band and Dance Pandas will be using the TEACHER PARKING LOT for rehearsal today ___________ Pandas - The Playing for a Purpose shirts will be handed out during PPT in the auditorium.  Do you need an afternoon snack?  The bake sale table will be open during Panda Prime Time today.  Come to the foyer to purchase a delicious baked good.  Everything is 2 for a Dollar!  All proceeds from the bake sale will benefit the "I Have Wings" Foundation.  This is a family competition. The winning family... Continue reading

Announcements for Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Just a reminder to all seniors that your retreat registration form is due to your religion teachers today.   _________________________________________ PaNDAs - it is one of the most exciting weeks of the year:   Playing for a Purpose Week!!! Stop by and buy a baked good on your way out of school today. Don’t forget.  All proceeds will benefit the "I Have Wings" Foundation and it will be our first family competition. The winning family will be the one that brings in the most money. ______________________________________________________ Registration is now open for NDA's 4th Annual Ski Trip to Winter Park, Colorado (January 16-20th)!!... Continue reading

Announcements for Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Just a reminder to all seniors that your retreat registration form is due to your religion teachers tomorrow.   There will be adoration in the chapel today during PPT.  All are welcome to come and spend time with our Lord.   Fr. Kunath will also be available for confession.  ____________________________ PaNDAs - it is one of the most exciting weeks of the year:   Playing for a Purpose Week!!! Our Core Leadership Team will be working the annual Playing for a Purpose bake sale after school today, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Come to the lobby and get some goodies provided by our volleyball... Continue reading

Announcements for Friday, August 30th, 2024

Have a great long weekend!!!   Registration is now open for NDA's 4th Annual Ski Trip to Winter Park, Colorado (January 16-20th)!! The registration link can be found in this week's Panda Press. Email Ms. Dooling with any questions. Registration is first come, first serve so save your spot quickly! ___________________________________________________ If you are a Freshman and you are interested in running for a student council grade level representative, please be sure to turn in your applications by Monday, September 9, at 3 pm.  Applications can be picked up in room 303.  Elections will be held on Monday, September 23.... Continue reading

Announcements for Thursday, August 29th, 2024

We will celebrate mass tomorrow in the chapel at 7:20am. All are welcome to join us.  _____________________________________ Please avoid parking in the TEACHER PARKING LOT today around 3:40 pm. The Band will be using it for rehearsal today ______________________________________________________ Freshmen -  Anyone interested in running for a student council grade level representative, please be sure to turn in your applications by Monday, September 9, at 3 pm.  Applications can be picked up in room 303.  Elections will be held on Monday, September 23. Information about speeches and campaigning will come after applications are due.  If you have any questions, contact... Continue reading