
Mass will be celebrated after school today at 3:15 in the chapel - all are welcome to join us.  _________________________________________ Come see the Spring Showcase this Thursday, May 16 in the theatre at 6pm. This showcase features the pandatones, dance pandas, and theatre classes. Come support your fine arts pandas!  ___________________________ There will be a meeting for all students who are attending the Academic Awards Ceremony on Tuesday evening during PPT on Tuesday in the theatre.  This means that the theatre will be closed for quiet study during PPT on Tuesday.   ___________________________   Congrats to the Varsity Tennis Team for... Continue reading


Today is the last day of Faculty/Staff Appreciation week, but  We want to thank them for all their hard work and for making NDA so special.   ______________________________ Come see the Spring Showcase on Thursday, May 16 in the theatre at 6pm. This showcase features the pandatones, dance pandas, and theatre classes. Come support your fine arts pandas!  ___________________________ Pandaversity has posted a World Map in the 1st floor hallway to celebrate the variety of family origins in our community. Small Panda stickers are in a bag taped to the wall near the map.  Everyone is invited to place a sticker... Continue reading


Happy Faculty/staff Appreciation week Cont.. - here is a fun fact  for the day -  Faculty are required to be in school 187 days with 177 of those days teaching students at NDA.  Most of the staff work all year including over the summer!!   The following teachers/Staff please come to the office sometime today to pick a thank you prize! _______________________________ Come see the Spring Showcase on Thursday, May 16 in the theatre at 6pm. This showcase features the pandatones, dance pandas, and theatre classes. Come support your fine arts pandas!  ___________________________ JUNIORS -  Do you have an interest... Continue reading


Happy Birthday Mr. Jeff VonHandorf!!    Happy Faculty/staff Appreciation week Cont.. - here are some fun facts for the day -  Mr. Schlosser started in 1979 so he has worked at NDA for 45 years. Mrs. Johnson has taught at NDA for 41 years!!   The following teachers/Staff please come to the office sometime today to pick a thank you prize! _______________________________ Come see the Spring Showcase on Thursday, May 16 (or say tonight/tomorrow) in the theatre at 6pm. This showcase features the pandatones, dance pandas, and theatre classes. Come support your fine arts pandas!  ______________________________________ LIFE club's final meeting... Continue reading


Happy Faculty/staff Appreciation week Cont.. - here are some fun facts for the day -  There are 5 Sisters that live on the 4th floor - Sister Paul Ann, Sister Rachel, Sister Ethel, Sister Judith and Sister Maria Francine.  We have 10 men that are faculty members, and 7 that are staff members.    There is a special gift in the office for the following faculty/staff Elizabeth Barnes Colleen Blackburn Michael Byrd Greg Cerimele Tina Conradi Rory Glynn Kathy Hildreth Leslie Litmer John Lonnemann Angie Middendorf Bridget Price Sister Ethel Marilyn Slaughter Bill Stamm Lisa Timmerding Myanna Webster Stop by... Continue reading


Happy Birthday to Mrs. Tobey! Happy Faculty/staff Appreciation week - and here is a fun fact for the day -  NDA has 73 Faculty and Staff - 32 Staff and 41 Faculty 23 of them are NDA Alums! _______________________________ The Gardening Club is having a meeting today after school. They will meet in room 306. _____________________________________ Tomorrow afternoon the AP Statistics will be testing in Alumnae Hall. After 12 o'clock there will be no bells for class changes and anyone heading to the theatre for class will need to use the back hallway through the cafeteria to get there. Mrs.... Continue reading


Happy Birthday to Ms. Ross in the Cafeteria! _______________________________ The Gardening Club is having a meeting on Monday the 6th. We are planning on having a Mother’s Day activity in room 306. ________________________________ Today is the day to turn in your Student council applications.  They are due by 3pm today. Please turn them into the school office.on from Mrs. Kroger in room 208 or Ms. Hilbert in room 303. Applications are due at 3 p.m. today and elections are on Monday, May 13.   _______________________________________ Congrats to the NDA Varsity Tennis Pandas on their 4-1 win yesterday against Cooper. Clare Shay... Continue reading


Thank you to everybody who stopped by the Uganda Pandas Bake Sale this morning! If you didn’t get a chance to, the Bake Sale will take place after school today. Each item costs either a dollar or fifty cents. This is the last opportunity to support our sister school in Uganda! Be sure to stop by!!” _______________________________________________ The Gardening Club is having a meeting on Monday the 6th. We are planning on having a Mother’s Day activity in room 306. ________________________________ The Varsity Tennis Pandas defeated Lawrenceburg on Tuesday 3-2. Sam Spellman and Clare Shay won at 1st doubles, Grace... Continue reading


Happy Principal’s Day - Make sure to say thanks to Mr. VonHandorf, Mrs. Timmerding and Mrs. Proudfit.  _______________________________ Reminder that the Uganda Pandas Bake Sale will take place after school today! Each item costs either a dollar or fifty cents and all proceeds go to our sister school in Uganda. The Bake Sale will also be taking place tomorrow before and after school. Be sure to stop by and support our pandas in Uganda!! _______________________________________________ The Gardening Club is having a meeting on Monday the 6th. We are planning on having a Mother’s Day activity in room 306. ________________________________ If... Continue reading


Hey Pandas! Thank you to everyone who stopped by the Uganda Pandas Bake Sale this morning! If you didn’t get a chance to, it will be in the foyer after school today, Wednesday, and Thursday, and before school on Thursday. Each item costs either a dollar or fifty cents, and all proceeds go to the school in Uganda. Be sure to stop by!” _______________________________________________ The Gardening Club is having a meeting on Monday the 6th. We are planning on having a Mother’s Day activity in room 306. ________________________________ If you are interested in running for a student council grade-level representative,... Continue reading