
Just a reminder to all Seniors - tomorrow is the Diocesan Senior Mass at the Cathedral. We are asking that every Senior wear their Senior Sweatshirt with their collared uniform shirt and uniform skirt.  Please check the email from Mrs. Price earlier this week for bus and lunch information.  ______________________________________ We will be praying the rosary in the chapel during PPT today.  All are welcome to join us.  __________________________________ Any senior who would like to be considered to be the one who Crowns Mary at the May Crowning - your reflections are due to the Campus Ministry office by the... Continue reading


On Thursday, we will celebrate the Feast of St. Gemma Galgani. Green Family - please wear green shirts or family shirts to celebrate the Feast of your family”s Saint ____________________________________ Food truck orders are due this Friday, April 12. The link is attached to the padlet and was emailed to you on Sunday. No late orders will be accepted. If you would like to pay with cash, please email Ms. Hilbert and Mrs. Kroger before Friday.  ________________________________________   Remember- Applications for Grade level co-presidents are due on APRIL 12. This position is for rising Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes. Elections... Continue reading


Father Kunath will be in the chapel during Panda Prime time for confessions.  _____________________________________ Food truck orders are due on Friday, April 12. The link is attached to the padlet and was emailed to you on Sunday. No late orders will be accepted. If you would like to pay with cash, please email Ms. Hilbert and Mrs. Kroger before Friday.  —------------------------------------------- If you are interested in running for Grade level co-president the elections are right around the corner! Applications for this position for the rising Sophomore, Junior, and Senior class are due on APRIL 12. Elections will take place during... Continue reading


Welcome Back Everyone! Ladies - please remember to keep your safety in mind and do not look at the sun unless you are wearing the appropriate solar eclipse glasses.  Enjoy the extra time off today. ________________________________________ Congratulations to senior Clara Heberling and juniors Josie Stallard and Emma White for the honors they earned in this year's Scholastic Art and Writing Contest. Clara was awarded three Silver Keys. Josie was awarded a Silver Key and two honorable mentions. And Emma was awarded two Silver Keys and one honorable mention. Excellent work, Pandas! _____________________________________ Food truck orders are due on Friday, April... Continue reading


Happy Easter and enjoy your spring break!!! We will be back with more announcements on Monday, April 8th.   Continue reading


Happy Birthday to all the teachers and staff that have birthdays over spring break. Mr. Glynn, Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Brockmeier  _____________________________________ All lunch bags are in the foyer, please pick yours up on your way out today. ______________________________________ Today is the last day to order your Orange and White Flag Football tickets and t-shirt! All orders are due by 3pm _______________________________________ Congratulations to the Track team who finished 2nd in the Diocese track meet last night! __________________________________________ GOOD LUCK TO THE ARCHERY PANDAS WHO WILL COMPETE IN THE KENTUCKY STATE ARCHERY TOURNAMENT TOMORROW IN LOUISVILLE. ARCHERY PANDAS ROCK! _________________________________________... Continue reading


Fr. Kunath will be in the chapel during PPT to hear confessions.  ________________________________________ There are a lot of lunch bags in the hallway leading to the cafeteria. Please make sure to take your lunch bags home before spring break. __________________________________ Thank you again to everyone who contributed to Life Club’s diaper drive last week.  The winner of the family competition is Purple with 397 diapers, followed by Pink with 169, Green with 97, and Blue with 56.  Your generous donations will make a big difference!  Thank you for all you do to support life! ____________________________________________________ One more day to order... Continue reading


Happy Birthday To Mrs.Trish Miller, her birthday was on Saturday!! Orange and White Flag Football tickets are still available.  All orders are due this Wednesday, March 27 at 4pm ____________________________________________ Congratulations to the Archery Pandas for a great performance at the Beechwood Tournament on Saturday. The team was led by Lea Youtsey at 279, Sarah Beckham at 275, Lucy Siegert at 271, Savannah Bien at 263 and Ava Boertlein 262. 4 Pandas bettered their career high score: 20 team members beat their season average score:  And a season high 12 Pandas shot over 250 The Pandas will shoot  this Thursday... Continue reading


Happy Birthday To Mr. VonHandorf!! The Body week Quote of the day is: Fill your body with deep breaths and it will fill you with peace.  ____________________________________________________ We had a GREAT start to the year with our first Outdoor Meet yesterday at Campbell County. We won by 100 points and it was a total team effort. We're so proud of everyone especially for how much we supported each other throughout the Meet! ________________________________   Congratulations to our Panda softball team. Who on Wednesday beat Beechwood.  13 to 1!! Abby Turnpaugh with the win 3-3 and she had 3 doubles at... Continue reading


The Body week Quotes of the day are: If you have the ability to love, love yourself first. AND Whenever you feel sad, remember there are billions of cells in your body and they all care about you. ____________________________________________________There will not be mass tomorrow morning in the chapel due to a conflict in Fr.Kunath's schedule.  ______________________________________________ Thank you to everyone who contributed to Life Club’s dress down day yesterday in support of Madonna House, New Hope Center, and Pregnancy Center West.  We collected over $1200 cash and more than 70 packs of wipes!  Your donations will make a big impact... Continue reading