
The Body week Quote of the day is Accepting yourself is an art. Each brushstroke of self love creates a masterpiece called ‘You’ ________________________________________________________________________ Don’t forget to bring in diapers the rest of the week.   All diapers collected earn your family points. Let’s win those family points by bringing diapers for a good cause. Support moms and families in need during the LIFE Club Diaper Drive.  _________________________________________ Orange and White tickets and t-shirts are on sale now! The form was emailed to you and will be linked to the weekly padlet. All orders are due on March 27 at 3pm... Continue reading


Welcome to Body Peace Week, a week in which we spread love and awareness of our bodies. We are also sponsoring Yoga during Prom half day! The theme this year is “the love within”.  The quote for today is “a healthy body is a result of healthy thoughts and feelings”. Have an amazing body peace week! ___________________________________________________ Want to wear sweats tomorrow on a 30 degree morning? Bring wipes or $3 for the LIFE club Diaper Drive and you can! Show up for your family too. All diapers collected earn your family points. So far Green leads with only 37... Continue reading


Happy Birthday to Mr. Joel and Mr. Michael  Cerimele!! _____________________________________ Life Club’s diaper drive is this week the 18-22nd. We will be accepting diapers all week, Wednesday we will have a dress down day for a pack of wipes or $3. Each pack of diapers will equal one family point. The proceeds will go to Madonna House, Pregnancy Center West, and New Hope Center. ___________________________________ Orange and White tickets and t-shirts are on sale now! The form was emailed to you and will be linked to the weekly padlet. All orders are due on March 27 at 3pm ___________________________________________ Congratulations... Continue reading


Hey, pandas, please be sure to fill out the form that Paige sent earlier today about events for The Prom Wellness Day! ___________________________________________ Next week, March 18-22, Life Club will be hosting a diaper drive to support local family support centers like Madonna House, New Hope Center, and Pregnancy Center West.  These agencies help parents make the choice for life by providing material, emotional, spiritual, and educational support.  All week you can bring in packs of diapers to earn family points. On Wednesday, March 20 you can dress down if you bring a pack of baby wipes or a $3... Continue reading


We will be praying the rosary in the chapel today during PPT.  All are welcome to join us.  __________________________________ Tonight there will be a girls gone holy night here at nda tonight. We will be making bracelets, eating snacks, listening to an amazing guest speaker, and we will end the night in adoration. It will be a blast! It will start at 7 tonight and ends at 8:30.  ________________________________ Tomorrow is the last day to fill out the forms and send in pictures of prom dresses that you would like to wear in the Prom fashion show next Friday.   _________________________________________ ... Continue reading


Congratulations to Juliana von Wahlde Mendez. Her essay was selected as a runner up in the essay category for this year's Mount St. Joseph's creative writing contest. Juliana has earned a $50 prize for her work. Great work, Juliana. _________________________________ Congratulations to the Archery Pandas for a very successful performance at the Dixie Tournament this past weekend. The team shot a season high score of 3101 which included 143 tens, also a season high. The Pandas were led by Sarah Beckham at 284, 2nd overall high school girl, Ava Boertlein at 276, Ivy Mullins at 268, Jade Wachs at 266... Continue reading


No New Announcements - Testing Day Continue reading


Tomorrow the freshmen and sophomores will be taking the CERT test and the juniors will be taking the ACT.  -Freshmen and sophomores - bring your CHARGED iPad, a calculator, a pencil and a packed lunch - there will be no lunch available to buy.   -Juniors - bring your #2 pencil, calculator and a snack.  You also need to have your lanyard with your school ID or your drivers licence to show the proctor for the ACT test. Room assignments were emailed to you by  Mrs. Monohan. ________________________________________ Hey Sophomores! The Sophomore Ring Ceremony will be held tomorrow after CERT testing... Continue reading


Happy Belated Birthday to Mrs. Smith! Hey Sophomores! The Sophomore Ring Ceremony will be held on March 12th after CERT testing on our Super Day. If you ordered a ring from Herff Jones, they will bring it to school and you will receive it on that day if you have paid in full. If you have not paid in full, then you will not receive your ring until you have done so. If you will be using a ring that was purchased on your own from another company besides Herff Jones or passed down to you from your mother, grandmother,... Continue reading


No New Announcements   Continue reading