
A  BIG Congratulations goes out to Band Members Sabrina Lemma and Audrey Rose who both represented NDA at the NKU Honor Band Symposium this past weekend.   The NKU Honor Band Symposium includes only the best HS Musicians in the Tri-State are.  These students are recommended by their band directors.  After rehearsing at NKU for two full days an awesome concert is performed at Greaves hall at NKU, conducted by a prominent collegiate conductor.  During the audition process,  Audrey obtained 3rd chair out of 8 honor trombonists who auditioned and Sabrina landed 2nd chair out of 7 honor Alto Saxophonists.... Continue reading


Happy Birthday to Sister Paul Ann and Mr. Stamm who celebrated over the weekend!!   Regarding PPT - listen carefully The gym will be closed during PPT today.  Thank you for your cooperation.   The link for family spirit wear is included in the Padlet this week.  Please consider purchasing a shirt representing your family color and saint.  We hope to offer once a month family spirit days and also hope to show reverence to the family saints by dressing in our family spirit wear on the saint's feast day.  More to come on that... _______________________________ Pandas don’t forget to sign... Continue reading


Pandas don’t forget to sign up for Pandas Got Talent. Please complete the form that Mrs. Timmerding sent out by Monday, January 22. You can also find a flyer hanging around school with a QR code or on the Padlet.  ________________________________________ GOOD LUCK TO THE ARCHERY PANDAS WHO WILL BE COMPETING TODAY AND TOMORROW IN THE COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN 3D TOURNAMENT. ALSO AT LAST WEEK'S VILLA MADONNA TOURNAMENT SOPHOMORE AVA BOERTLEIN FINISHED 5TH AND JUNIOR MORGAN RUSSELL FINISHED 6TH OUT OF 102 GIRLS IN THE HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION. ARCHERY PANDAS ROCK! ____________________________________,  The Pandas finished their regular season last night... Continue reading


No New Announcements Continue reading


Pandas don’t forget to sign up for Pandas Got Talent. Please complete the form that Mrs. Timmerding sent out by Monday, January 22. You can also find a flyer hanging around school with a QR code or on the Padlet.  ________________________________________ Seniors - If you would like to play in the Catholic School’s week Volleyball match versus Cov Cath, the permission slip was sent out yesterday and there are extra copies in the office. They are due Tuesday January 16th and you can turn them into the school office.  Continue reading


NDUEC is looking for volunteers after school today - you do not need to have volunteered there in the past to help today.  It would be immediately after school until 5:00pm.  If you are able to help today please email Mrs. Lenihan now and let her know you are able to come.  Her email address was sent out earlier today by Mrs. Price. _______________________________________ Hope Squad hosts another Hope Day today and we encourage everyone to use positive affirmations today and every day. Positive affirmations are positively loaded phrases, or statements such as "I am strong, I am brave, I... Continue reading


Panda bowling was in Fairfield this weekend , bowling in the Fairfield High School tournament. The tournament consisted of 31 girls teams from across Ohio and the team finished a respectable 15th for the day.Congratulations to Haley Pelstring not only made the all tournament team but was the top bowler for the tournament with a  224 and a 197! Congratulations! _________________________ CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ARCHERY PANDAS FOR A SUCCESSFUL TOURNAMENT OVER THE WEEKEND AT THE VILLA MADONNA TOURNAMENT. THE TEAM SHOT 3008 WHICH INCLUDED 110 TENS. THE PANDAS WERE LED BY AVA BOERTLEIN AT 271, MORGAN RUSSELL AT 270, REAGAN... Continue reading


Happy Belated Birthday to Mrs. Johnson, _______________________ Pandas - Catholic School's week kicks of on January 29. Student Council has been working really hard to make it a fun week for everyone.  We are excited to announce the main event on Friday, 2/2 - PANDAS GOT TALENT! This is a place for ALL pandas to showcase the many talents they have.  We have opened the talent show up this year to showcase a true talent or perform a skit/dance/act with a group of friends in a lighthearted way. The show will have the format of a variety show to showcase... Continue reading


A reminder to all seniors who are on retreat next week - we have a meeting today during PPT in the chapel.  If everyone is prompt it should not take the whole time.  Continue reading


Happy New Year and welcome back to the 2nd half of the school year!!   Due to the mass on Friday with Bishop Iffert, Friday will NOT be a spiritwear day.  We would like for students to be dressed in full uniforms.  Please wear your spirit wear tomorrow (Thursday) instead of Friday.   Tonight is our first home basketball game.  Family points will be awarded for attendance. Come out and support our Pandas and get points for your family! Continue reading