
Last night's bowling match against Boone county we bowled some of our highest  games of the year so far.   Haley Pelstring bowled a 182 and 192 , Cami Noris bowled a 171 , Callie Fedders a 143 and Jane Schuh a 129.  The team also bowled the highest total pin count of the year of 1877. We are improving every week as we prepare for the Regional tournament in January.  Go Pandas!   No new announcements until January 3rd   Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!   Continue reading


CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ARCHERY PANDAS FOR A VERY SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE AT THE TWENHOFEL TOURNAMENT THIS PAST WEEKEND. THE TEAM SCORED 2993 WITH 121 TENS. THE PANDAS WERE LED BY AVA BOERTLEIN AT 282, LEA YOUTSEY AT 264, REAGAN CARMAN AT 260, SARAH BECKHAM AT 257 AND MORGAN RUSSELL AT 248. ARCHERY PANDAS ROCK!   The family coloring contest winners are: Holly Hageman Green Family Carla Pope - Purple family Kylie Durik  - Blue Family Jolie Mangeot - Pink family  Winners of the coloring contest - Please come to the office to claim your prize Continue reading


No New Announcements   Good Luck to all the students on their exams! Continue reading


The Cafeteria will be selling snacks on Monday and Tuesday During your exam break time.  Good luck to the Panda Archery team. They will be shooting at the Twenhofel Tournament today and tomorrow. ARCHERY PANDAS ROCK! Last night at La Ru lanes the Panda Bowling team took the best of 7 from Holy Cross 5-2.  Awesome bowling and congratulations to Erin Piatt bowling her highest 2 games last night of 126 and a 141.   Go Pandas!   Continue reading


No New Announcements Continue reading


Ladies Don’t forget! The Math Club is hosting an exam prep for all math subjects tomorrow, December 14th at 3 pm. This event is combined with the counselors Exam Prep and will be held in the CLC and Room 112. There will be pizza and other snacks available for anyone who shows up! Make sure to come and get help so that you can slay your math exams!   This past Saturday the Pandas entered the Elder / Seton High school bowling tournament at Western bowl in Cincinnati.  There were 28 girls teams from Ohio , the Pandas and came... Continue reading


Fr. Kunath will be in the chapel to hear confessions during PPT today.   Attention all students! The Math Club is hosting an exam prep for all math subjects on Thursday, December 14th at 3 pm. This event is combined with the counselors Exam Prep and will be held in the CLC and Room 112. There will be pizza and other snacks available for anyone who shows up! Make sure to come and get help so that you can slay your math exams!   CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ARCHERY PANDAS FOR A VERY SUCCESSFUL TOURNAMENT AT COOPER HIGH SCHOOL THIS PAST WEEKEND.... Continue reading


Announcements for 12/11/2023 Attention Seniors:  If you park in spots 240 through 265.  Tomorrow you will need to park in the theatre lot due to an event at the Heights.  You should have received an email from Mrs. Timmerding as well.    Seniors don’t forget to stop by the office to approve your name for your diploma.    Attention all Drug Free Club Members! Please stop by the Quad after school today or during any free period to pick up your Drug Free Club ID Card!"    Attention all students! Math Club is hosting an exam prep for all math... Continue reading


No Announcements today School closed due to the Holy Day of Obligation Continue reading


Seniors! Mrs. Stanley sent you all an email yesterday about an awesome opportunity called Inspire to Hire. This event is designed to get high school students excited about their futures by exploring career opportunities during an interactive career expo featuring more than 50 area employers including Amazon, Children's Hospital, Duke Energy, GE Aerospace, P&G and more. Email Mrs. Stanley if you have any questions or if you'd like to attend! The first 10 students who respond will be registered. Thanks!"    Pandas! This year’s Catholic Schools Week is quickly approaching and with it we are introducing Pandas Got Talent. The... Continue reading