
Tuesday George Barsan, a St.Henry High School grad, will be here to represent the US Naval Academy. Stop by to find out about this branch of our service and what it has to offer. This past Saturday the Panda bowling team entered their first tournament at Florence Bowl , hosted by Ryle High school.The team placed 3rd out of 10 girls teams making the next round of 8. They came up short by 51 pins of making the final 4 but the team posted the highest baker game in the girls division with a 226. Congratulations!  Congratulations to the Archery... Continue reading


Don’t forget that our National English Honor Society is having a fall themed writing contest for all NDA students – Please submit your piece for a chance to win a prize. Entries due by 11/20 to the bin in the write place (Room 301)   Last night's bowling match against Conner. Panda bowlers posted some personal best even though we didn't get a win. Congratulations to Cami Norris bowling her personal best single game of 143 and 2 games series  of 243. Linda France bowled a single best of 123 . Other game scores , Camryn Peery 101 , Haley... Continue reading


No New Announcements Continue reading


Our National English Honor Society is having a fall themed writing contest for all NDA students – Please submit your piece for a chance to win a prize. Entries due by 11/20 to the bin in the write place (Room 301) We collected 2010 cans today so we have over 5,000 cans. The blue family is in the lead, followed by green, pink then blue.   Continue reading


CAN THE CRU is coming to a close.  You only have 3 more days to participate and beat St. Henry.  Tomorrow is a BIG day.  If you bring in 5 cans or $5, you can come out of uniform.  Please keep in mind our out of uniform guidelines. Tomorrow night at 6:30, our Steered Straight Presenter, Michael DeLeon will be presenting a parent session for both Covington Catholic and NDA parents.  If your parents attend, you earn an out of uniform pass for the Monday after Thanksgiving break - November 27. Continue reading


For homeroom today, there was a bit of miscommunication regarding where students need to report - please listen carefully. All students who attended the Green Dot Bystander training will need to report to the Choral Room before reporting to other spaces. Freshmen and Juniors - report to homeroom Sophomores - report to the Spanish Stairs for a presentation about class rings. Seniors - report to the theatre for a Youscience followup _______________________________________ Green Dot will have an open meeting on Monday after school in Room 112. ALL are welcome to come and see what's going on!   On Wednesday, Michael... Continue reading


Student athlete's please remember to drop off your discount card money today in the athletic Office. Today is the last day to pick up your forgotten lunch boxes and water bottles.  Stop by the school office and pick yours up before they are donated.  Green Dot will have an open meeting on Monday after school in Room 112. ALL are welcome to come and see what's going on! Continue reading


All are welcome to attend the Alumnae Rosary today during PPT in the chapel ___________________________________ Good News Mother/Daughter Registration is still open!   Don’t miss out on this fun night with your Mom and friends.  Seniors don’t forget to work on your posters for Mother Daughter. They are due this tomorrow by 8am. Please drop  them to the school office.  _________________________________ Student athlete's please remember to drop off your discount card money to the athletic Office no later than tomorrow, Friday November 10th. We still have a lot of lunch boxes and water bottles that have not been claimed yet.  Stop... Continue reading


Mother/Daughter Registration ends today!   Don’t miss out on this fun night with your Mom and friends. The theme is the Red Carpet so dress as your best or as your favorite celebrity.  Seniors don’t forget to work on your posters for Mother Daughter. They are due this Friday, Nov 10 by 8am. Please bring them to the school office.  _________________________________ Hi Pandas! Keep bringing in those cans! Thursday of this week will be another sweatpants day for 3 cans or $3!!   Student athlete's please remember to drop off your discount card money to the athletic Office no later than... Continue reading


Mother/Daughter Registration ends tomorrow - Weds. November 8th.  Don’t miss out on this fun night with your Mom and friends. The theme is the Red Carpet so dress as your best or as your favorite celebrity.  Seniors don’t forget to work on your posters for Mother Daughter. They are due this Friday, Nov 10 by 8am. Please bring them to the school office.  _________________________________ Stop by the school office and see if your lunchbag or water bottle is on the lost and found table.  They need to be claimed by Friday or they will be donated.  Continue reading