
Today at 3:30  the Band and Color Guard will be using the Center of the  TEACHER PARKING LOT. Please have your car out of the center of the teachers lot by 3:30 Your efforts are appreciated by the Band and color Guard Continue reading


Athletes you may put your backpacks on the stage in the auditorium again tomorrow.  _______________________________ "Attention Freshmen! Grade level representative applications are due today! If you are interested please turn in your form ." ____________________________________ If you are interested in playing basketball this winter, come to the school office to sign up! Continue reading


Fr. Kunath will be in the chapel to hear confessions during PPT today.  __________________________ Due to the scholarship breakfast in the Auditorium tomorrow, All Athletes should drop their backpacks off in the school office - Do not put them on the stage.  _________________________________ Tomorrow during the lunches Thomas More University will have Anne Grimm here to answer any questions you have about Thomas More. Stop and visit. _________________________________ Didi Jiradamkerng qualified for the KHSAA State Golf Championship next week in Bowling Green. Way to go Didi ! ____________________ "Attention Freshmen! Grade level representative applications are due tomorrow." _________________________________________________ If you... Continue reading


The Club Interest Form is due today.  If you are interested in joining a club or activity after watching last week's amazing Club Orientation, please be sure to complete the form by the end of today.  Your name and email will be shared with the moderators of the clubs you are interested in joining. Thank you! Continue reading


Mock Trial has an informational meeting today at 3:00 in Room 304.  This meeting is for current and prospective students.  Please come to learn more! ____________________________________- The Playing for a purpose T-shirts are in! Stop by the school foyer on your way out today and pick yours up, they will also be available to pick up tomorrow during lunch  ____________________________________ The bake sale today afterschool will be in the school foyer. Stop by and purchase an afternoon snack and remember that all of the proceeds go to a great cause.  __________________________________   "Attention Freshmen! All grade level representative applications are... Continue reading


No Announcements due to Super Day Continue reading


Fr. Kunath will be available for Confessions during PPT today.  He will be in the conference room across from the chapel.  ______________________________ The chapel will be open during PPT - however, students are not allowed in the Reflection Space due to the filming equipment set up in that space.  Thank you for your cooperation. ______________________________  Tomorrow we will be starting school at 8 am due to testing for the freshmen, sophomores and juniors and college work day for seniors.  Everyone will be dismissed close to 11:30 when testing is finished.  A reminder then to be here no later than 8... Continue reading


We will celebrate mass after school today in the chapel at 3:15.  All are welcome to join us.  ______________________________ There have been several service opportunities added to the list of upcoming service projects that is linked on the padlet.  All are encouraged to check the list and see if there are ways you can be involved.  _________________________________ There will be a playing for a purpose bake sale tomorrow, Weds and Thursday afterschool in the school foyer. Don’t forget to bring in money so you can purchase a delicious snack.  __________________________________ "Food truck orders are DUE TODAY by 3pm! No late... Continue reading


Tickets for Playing for a purpose next Friday at Boone county are now on sale.  Tickets are electronic only through GoFan.   Cost is $10 each. Continue reading


  Do not forget to place your orders for food truck day.  Orders are due by Monday.  The order form can be found in your email or linked to the padlet.  If you have any questions, see Ms. Hilbert or Mrs. Kroger  ____________________________________________  Freshmen! If you are interested in running to be a grade level representative for the class of 2027,Please stop by the office for an application.   All applications are due to the front office by September 27. ___________________________________________ The kickoff meeting for the NDA swim and dive team  will be Sunday, September 17 at 7:30 p.m. in the... Continue reading