Friday Showcase CANCELLED
Due to inclement weather, tonight's NDA/CCH Showcase Performance is canceled. Friday's tickets can be used for the Saturday 2 p.m. or Sunday 1 p.m. show. Refunds can be issued upon request or donated to the Theatre Department. Continue reading
Regional Youth Leadership Program
Applications for Regional Youth Leadership (RYL) Class of 2023 are now open to current high school sophomores. RYL is leadership development program for high school students during their junior year. Approximately 45 students will be selected to participate in monthly sessions examining topics such as arts & culture, economic development, local government, and more. The program will run from September 2022 through March 2023 with monthly sessions occurring during the school day. Each session is held at a different business or organization throughout the region and led by community and business leaders. Applications are accepted from students attending private, public, or... Continue readingCinderella’s Closet
While Prom is still months away, there is a fast approaching, wonderful opportunity, for those who may qualify, in the form of an organization called Cinderella's Closet. Cinderella's Closet is a group that provides free prom dresses and accessories to those who may have financial need. Cinderella's Closet has had to close the last couple of years, so they are very excited to be back open this year. However, they will have more limited appointments due to the changes they will need to implement for Covid. The weekend they will be open this year is March 18-19 2022. If you... Continue reading
Purchase Tickets for Heroes & Villains Showcase
Friday, January 28 at 7pm Saturday, January 29 at 2pm Sunday, January 30 at 2pm $5 per student/staff ticket (pre paid and at the door) $12 per prepaid non-student ticket $15 at the door per non-student ticket Doors will open 30 minutes before the show. Please remain outside or in your cars until this time. All audience members must wear masks inside the building. Concessions will be available for cash only at intermission. We will have open seating/general admission with no reserved seats except for accessible seats and accessible companion seats. Please sit in household groups (sit with who... Continue reading
Delayed start on Friday, January 7
NDA will be on a delayed start Friday, January 7. Classes will begin at 9:00 a.m. Pandas, please be careful driving and remember, you can wear sweatpants under your uniform skirt tomorrow. Continue reading
Mass in Chapel Friday, January 7
Fr. Kunath will be on campus to say Mass at 8:20 a.m. Friday morning in the chapel. All are welcome! Continue reading
Auditions & Technical Interviews: The Addams Family Musical
Sign up to AUDITION or have a TECHNICAL/DESIGNER position for The Addams Family - A New Musical. You can find out everything you need to know to be part of this amazing production HERE. Continue reading
Spirit Wear Sale
Do you need a new school uniform shirt or two? Did you know that you can purchase them at the Bambootique? This week’s deal of the week is 10% off school uniform shirts! You can purchase them online HERE. Continue reading