
You can find NDA's Grade Level Information HERE. Continue reading


Welcome to the 2021-22 school year! As a follow up to the Back to School Parent Meetings held Tuesday and Wednesday evening, we are sharing the information covered and some reminders to help you prepare for the new school year. BACK TO SCHOOL PARENT MEETING POWERPOINT Continue reading


Our theme for the School Year is: Living the Gospel with a Spirit of Compassion, Hope and Joy! The Scripture that was chosen to go with it is: “Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18. This is all based on the 3rd educational principle: The Educator as Gospel Witness. We will also be using the catch phrase “Mind the Gap”. This is meant to be a way for us to think about the ways we can help others - when we see a gap where someone (including ourselves) needs something... Continue reading


Please check the job board in the counselors' quad frequently. There is a new babysitting job for this summer just sent. There will be more coming because I have had calls and they will be sending the information. Thank you to Mrs. Price and our Campus Ministry team for the beautiful Holy Week Prayer Service yesterday. As many of you may have read in last week's Panda Press, the CDC recently updated the physical distancing requirements in classrooms to at least 3 feet rather than 6 feet. These updates will allow NDA to eliminate the need for some auxiliary classrooms... Continue reading


Just a reminder that Rice Bowls are due back this week. Please turn them into your religion teacher or bring them directly to the Campus Ministry Office. Hey Pandas!!!! Tomorrow is the first turn-in day for the Panda Prowl. If you bring in $75 or more you will receive a button for an out-of-uniform day on Wednesday! Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Kirn will be collecting money in the foyer at 7:20 so don't miss out! Also, Be sure to check out the NDA social media for updates and more! We really need everyone on board to make this a successful... Continue reading


Break a leg to everyone working on Little Women the Broadway Musical. Show your support for the cast and crew as they finish filming Little Women before spring break! The filmed show will be available to watch May 7th. On Monday we will come together as the whole school community for our Holy Week Prayer Service. This Prayer Service will take place on the Soccer Field so that we can all be together in one space. Please make sure you bring a light jacket or spirit wear sweatshirt as the temperatures are predicted to be in the low 60s. You... Continue reading


Anyone who has been collecting money at home for the Rice Bowl Project. Please return the rice bowl money next week. You can take them to your religion teachers or bring them directly to the Campus Ministry Office. Fr.Kunath will be celebrating mass tomorrow morning at 7:20 am in the chapel. All are welcome. Continue reading


Your basketball pandas are playing in the first round of districts at Holmes High School on Wednesday the 17th at 5:30p. Tickets will be sold in the athletic office on starting Monday first come first served. They are $6 each, please bring cash, exact change appreciated, or check made out to NDA. Continue reading


Life Club would like to thank everyone who donated blood at yesterday's blood drive to make it a success.  Twenty four whole blood products were collected and our drive helped 72 patients in our community, truly saving lives! Back in the Fall we held a Book Drive in conjunction with our Common Reader Day.  Since we shifted to virtual Learning shortly after the drive was held - the books were not distributed to the local schools right away.  A couple of weeks ago we were able to distribute the majority of the books to the students at Beechgrove Elementary, James... Continue reading


If you have 1st period study hall, please remember to sign in when arriving at school Life Club will be hosting its annual blood drive for Hoxworth next Wednesday, March 10th. You must be at least 16yrs. of age (w/ a parent consent form) & weigh 110 lbs to donate. If you are interested in donating blood please see Mrs. Van Auken in Alumnae Hall to sign up. There is a virtual college rep visit setup with Georgetown College for tonight at 7:00 pm. You can find the visit links in the weekly Padlet that Mrs Grayson sent out. Continue reading