
Fr. Kunath will be in the conference room across from the chapel during PPT today to hear confessions. If anyone would like to take part in this sacrament - feel free to stop by. JUNIORS - There will be an Informational Meeting for anyone interested in learning more about the Governor's Scholars Program, including the application process, after school this Thursday. Former Scholars will also be there, to share what their experience was like. Applications are due November 18. Freshmen - if you sign up now for 4 years of Drug Free Club Membership you will have your senior year... Continue reading


Thank you to all who participated in our dress down day last Thursday. We collected $1492.75 which will be sent to Catholic Charities in Lake Charles Louisiana to help with Hurricane Laura relief efforts. We continue to pray for these communities as they brace for another hurricane this week. Continue reading


All Pandas will get an ice cream treat tomorrow (Friday) compliments of our Cafeteria staff. Club Orientation forms are due tomorrow at the end of the day. Thank you to those club members who have already turned theirs in! Any NDA student can join Drug Free Club, and receive the numerous rewards for being drug free. Currently, the Sophomore class in the lead with 73% of the class registered, followed very closely by the Junior class with 71% and the Seniors with 70%. Freshmen, we only have 42% of you registered at this time, so please be sure to ask... Continue reading


Tomorrow will be a dress down day to benefit the relief efforts of Hurricane Laura. The cost of the dress down is $3.00. We will NOT be handing out change - so please bring exact change or a larger donation for the cause. Students are reminded of the following expectations: shirts must be long enough to cover midriffs and bottoms (if wearing leggings). Shorts are permitted but must provide proper coverage. Consider track shorts sold in the bambootique -- this is as short as they can be. The rewards for being a member of NDA's Drug Free Club go on... Continue reading


The lunch menu for next week has been emailed out. Be sure to check your email and order your lunches for next week. Those interested in joining the PandaTones after school choir, there will be an informational meeting this Thursday right after school in the choir room. If you have any questions or you are not able to attend, please email Mrs. Chandler Continue reading


Picture day is scheduled for tomorrow. This is an out of uniform day for all students because it is picture day. Students are reminded of the dress code for school pictures which would include shirts with proper coverage on chest and shoulder area, appropriate writing if any and no tank tops. While purchasing pictures is not mandatory, everyone needs to have their picture taken to get a new school ID and have their picture in the NDA yearbook. Seniors will not purchase photos, but you do need to take pictures as they follow your transcripts to colleges. Seniors can also... Continue reading


Picture day is next Friday (Sept 4th). Everyone must have their pictures taken, even if not buying a package in order to get a new 2020/21 school id. Order forms will be handed out in home room this Friday. The CLC is open after school from 3:30 to 5:00 Monday through Thursday for quiet study. Remember to follow seating for social distancing. Friday the CLC will be open after school until 3:30. Water is the only acceptable snack allowed in the CLC. Continue reading


This afternoon, we will implement a staggered dismissal with Seniors exiting the building first. After prayer at the end of the day, students will dismiss by grade level which will be announced. During homeroom today, all students will be given a mask, and we thank our supporter OrthoCincy for making these available for all Pandas. Arrival to school went very well today and we appreciate everyone's cooperation. Some clarifications for arrival include: Any student who arrives before 7:30 should enter through the main entrance and go to the cafeteria/auditorium. After 7:30 FR and SO enter through the Fitness Room Gym... Continue reading


The lunch ladies want you to know that snack bags are available for purchase, separately from the boxed lunches. They include one salty and one sweet snack, for $1.50 packaged together in a bag. They will have sample snack bags above the counter, so you can see what is packaged in the bag each day. (Today it was Doritos and animal crackers.) They also have drinks for sale (soda, water, different kinds of milk, power aids). Unfortunately, the microwaves and toasters are not available until further notice. Lunch orders and snack bag orders for next week are due today by... Continue reading