Announcements for Tuesday, November 12, 2024

There will be adoration taking place in the chapel during PPT today.  Fr. Kunath will also be here to hear confessions during PPT. _______________________ GET YOUR GAME FACE ON for this year's Mother / Daughter. The annual Mother Daughter Event is just around the corner and it’s a night you won’t want to miss! This year we are inviting you to join us for a Mother / Daughter Game Off on Friday, November 22 from 7-10:30 p.m.  Moms and daughters will compete in games such as pictionary, hungry hungry hippo, Directional Dilemma, Mittens and Kisses, Family Ties Trivia, and many... Continue reading

Announcements for Monday, November 11, 2024

Attention Open House Tour Guides:  Thank you for the outstanding job you did representing NDA yesterday!  If you still have your nametag, please return it to the front office. There will be a Mu Alpha Theta meeting right after school today in Alumnae Hall.     Congratulations to the Volleyball Pandas, on a very successful season and we are proud of them making it to the semi finals.    Panda bowling competed Saturday in their first tournament. In the field of 31 girls Junior Cammi Norris bowled a 139 and a 162 to finish in the elite division while Sophomore Haley... Continue reading

Announcements for Friday, November 8, 2024

Happy Friday!!   Next week is the start of our canned food drive. Points will be given out to the w families that bring in the most.  More information to come next week.  Good Luck to the Volleyball team as they head downstate for their game against Knott County Central.  Continue reading

Announcements for Thursday, November 7, 2024

This is Vocation Awareness Week. Sr. Ruth Lubbers will be in the Chapel’s reflection area during Panda Primetime today. Stop by if you would like to talk with her or ask any questions.  ________________________________________________ Thank you to everyone who spoke with our U of L and Alabama reps! Congratulations to Lila Harris and Camila Garcia who won the drawing. Stop by the Quad to claim your prize!" ______________________________________________ Will the students who are attending the NaviGo Health Careers Day meet in the lobby to get a quick picture for the PPW? Thanks __________________________________________ A reminder that all seniors on the... Continue reading

Announcements for Wednesday, November 6th, 2024

On Thursday, Brandon Clay will be here from Centre College.Please stop and visit Brandon with your questions. __________________________ Congratulations to the volleyball team for winning the 1st round of the state tournament.  Their next game is on Friday ______________________________________________ Pandas started their regular season last night against Dixie Heights High School. We came up short  but bowled  some great scores. Freshman Clare Pelstring bowled a 165 followed by her sister Sophomore Haley Pelstring with great games of 193 and a 157 and Junior Cammi Norris scored a 182. Great bowling Pandas!!  _______________________________________________________ Continue reading

Announcements for Monday, November 4, 2024

Happy Hope day everyone! We hope your Monday has been fantastic. As we begin this season of thanksgiving, the Hope Squad members have put together a thankful tree in the auditorium. We encourage you all, if you haven’t already, to go write down what you are thankful for on a colored leaf and put it on the tree. It is important for our mental health that we find at least one thing we are grateful for, even if you don’t put it on the thankful tree! Have a great rest of your day Pandas! _______________________________________________________ Today is the day to... Continue reading

Announcement for Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Tomorrow Kelly Watson from the University of Alabama will be here during the lunch mods. I realize that there are a number of things going on during the lunches. She enjoys seeing all the customs so stop by and get your questions answered. _______________________________ Mrs. Tobey’s government class is having a mock election. 6 real life American political parties represented through anonymous parties with animal mascots are up for vote on Monday, November 4th. Your job as NDA citizens is to watch the video speeches during homeroom and look around for posters to educate yourself on which party has America’s... Continue reading

Announcements for Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Good Luck to Volleyball tonight - they play Highlands in the Regional semifinals at St. Henry.   The theme is Pink out _______________________________ Hedgehogs, and goats, and monkeys, Oh my! tigers, and dragons, and dinos Oh my! It’s Maya and Riley from Mrs. Tobey’s government class here to tell you about the upcoming mock election. 6 real life American political parties represented through anonymous parties with animal mascots are up for vote November 4th. Your job as NDA citizens is to watch the video speeches during homeroom and look around for posters to educate yourself on which party has America’s best... Continue reading

Announcements for Monday, October 28, 2024

Life club will be collecting diapers this week to take to the Madonna House of NKY, New Hope Center, and to the Diocese of Covington BabyShower. We will be giving out family points to those who bring in diapers or baby wipes. It will be 3 points per diaper pack, and 1 point for wipes. On October 30th we will also be doing a dress down day for those who bring in 3 dollars or a pack of wipes. Thank you!  _______________________________________- The 1950s Showcase is a no-cut show full of singing, dancing, and acting. Audition to have a featured... Continue reading