Growing Our Community
Support NDA: Major Gifts
Notre Dame Academy is fortunate to have a community of alumnae, parents, grandparents, and friends that embrace the tradition of giving back to the school. By giving to NDA, you ensure that NDA is able to fulfill the mission to engage young women in rigorous academic programs and extracurricular activities that foster respect, honor and service to God’s world. The generosity of our benefactors provides NDA with the resources to sustain the school’s need-based tuition assistance program, enhance educational programs, opportunities, resources, and facilities, and elevate and retain outstanding faculty. NDA is grateful to all our donors who make giving to Notre Dame a philanthropic priority. Take a look below to see the many ways in which you can support NDA through a Major Gift!
For additional information or questions concerning any of these major gift opportunities, please contact the Advancement Office at (859) 292-7729.
Establishing a named scholarship grant is a wonderful way to honor an individual or group, while at the same time provide essential student tuition assistance through academic and need-based scholarships. Our scholarships continue in perpetuity so that every year, a deserving student(s) will benefit from your generosity and commitment to ‘educating women to make a difference’. A scholarship grant can be established with a gift of $20,000 or more. The NDA Endowment Fund is invested in a variety of areas, including stocks and bonds to generate income. Each year, 4.25% of the money invested is awarded as NDA scholarships and grants, or is applied to programming needs as determined by the establishing party of each scholarship. Contact bowmand@ndapandas.org for more details.
Planned Giving:
The Notre Dame Academy Forever NDA Legacy Society was established to recognize individuals who have included NDA in their estate plans. Ensuring that the Academy receives a gift is a wonderful way to leave a legacy and is as simple as a discussion with the donor’s counsel as to the most effective way to participate in a planned giving program. As a member of the Forever NDA Legacy Society, you can be assured that your gift will help secure quality education for future generations of NDA students. Contact websterm@ndapandas.org for more details.
Annual Fund:
Providing excellence in education at an affordable cost is one of the hallmarks of our Notre Dame Academy educational experience. Each year the Annual Fund plays a key role in maintaining an affordable tuition while maximizing services and programs for our students. The Notre Dame Academy Marian Circle recognizes and celebrates a distinguished group of donors who contribute $1,000 or more annually to the Annual Fund. These members share a special connection, continue the school’s rich tradition of philanthropic support and endorse the philosophy, values and experiences that a Catholic education that NDA provides. Contact websterm@ndapandas.org for more details.
Corporate Sponsorships:
A corporate or event sponsorship with Notre Dame sends a message that your business is strongly aligned with our mission to educate young women to make a difference. Corporate sponsorships help to fill the gap between what it costs to actually educate a young woman at NDA and the revenue generated through tuition. As a Corporate Sponsor, you will have the opportunity to showcase your business and increase exposure to local consumers at the annual Women Making A Difference luncheon, the NDA Golf Outing and The Autumn Gala. Contact websterm@ndapandas.org for more details.
Major Capital and Endowment Campaigns:
From time to time, Notre Dame initiates major campaigns to generate significant funds for capital improvements, programming, or endowments. NDA is currently securing resources that ensure the integrity of our 60-year-old building and continue to enhance campus facilities. It will also allow funds to be kept in a building endowment fund that will support 21st century learning well into the future. This campaign honors Sister Mary Paul Ann Hanneken and Sister Mary Rachel Nerone and their legacy that is defined by their ongoing commitment to a clean, safe and attractive campus through NDA’s very successful Work Study Program. Contact websterm@ndapandas.org for more details.
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