Lasting Legacy
Create a lasting legacy with a family or named scholarship grant at Notre Dame Academy.
Establishing a named scholarship grant is a wonderful way to honor an individual or group, while at the same time provide essential student tuition assistance through academic and need-based scholarships. Our scholarships continue in perpetuity so that every year, a deserving student(s) will benefit from your generosity and commitment to ‘educating women to make a difference’.
A scholarship can be established with a gift of $20,000 or more. The NDA Endowment Fund is invested in a variety of areas, including stocks and bonds to generate income. Each year, 4.25 percent of the money invested is awarded as NDA scholarships and grants, or is applied to programming needs as determined by the establishing party of each scholarship and NDA.
Our Advancement staff will work with benefactors to establish criteria for the scholarship. These can include financial need and/or performance criteria in academics, fine arts and service. Each year, benefactors will have the opportunity to meet their students at the annual Scholarship Breakfast held in the fall.
For further information regarding scholarships and endowments, please contact the Myanna Webster, at websterm@ndapandas.org.